Chapter 35🌹

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Tonight I have my date with the boys, the vampire princes as everyone calls them at school because that is what they are. It turns out everyone in school knows of my date with them somehow but don't care, I've ignored any comment that has been thrown my way and kept to myself.

For now I was focusing on tonight since Jimin told me that I should bring a over night bag for some strange reason but only for Jin to explain it's because they're taking me somewhere that's a couple hours away from here since they didn't trust to do anything local because of what happened to Daehyun and Bong which sounds reasonable.

They had to speak to my dad by asking him when he was at work and to my surprise it seemed to work but I don't know of their conversation fully, only the little bits my dad would tell me about it. I was even surprised he agreed in the first place but he did.

I already pack an over night bag and dressed in casual clothes because that was what Taehyung advised me to wear so I was going to listen. They wouldn't tell me exactly what we would be doing but I was excited about the whole thing.

Since now all I had to do was wait to be picked up, I called Joshua on skype on my laptop and waited for him to pick up. It didn't take long for him to pick up and to my surprise Baekhyun was with him too. There on my screen was the smiling Joshua and the straight faced Baekhyun.

"Y/n!! My dear are you all set for your over night date?" Joshua

He wiggeled his brows at me and I rolled my eyes and laid down on my stomach on my bed with the laptop in front of me.

"Yes I'm ready. I just now have to wait but they should be here any moment though."

"I'm still surprised your dad even let them take you over night honestly." Baekhyun

"I agree. Your dad is very protective of you and especially after he knows what happened with Bong and Daehyun, he's on high alert." Joshua

I only hum in agreement with a slight shrug of the shoulders.

"I guess but my dad will only tell me so much of the conversation between them. I think he also mentioned how he would hunt them down personally if something were to happen to me while I was with them."

Both boys on the screen laugh together, seeing Baekhyun laugh and smile for the first time in a while it was refreshing to see.

"I can see that happening. I wish I could of seen that." Joshua

"So Y/n what are you wearing to this date?" Baekhyun

I knew it. I knew he would ask me since he's so into his fashion. I sighed and sat up on the bed to show him my causal clothes which was a simple white tshirt with a large print of a pair of lips and some light blue skinny jeans. Nothing fancy just something to out in but comfortable to wear.

"That's what you're wearing to your date? Y/n seriously have I not taught you anything?" Baekhyun

Joshua laughs throwing his head back as he does and Baekhyun comes closer to the screen with a scowl on his face showing his disapproval to my clothes.

"Taehyung told me to wear this. Well not this but something more casual."

"And you chose that?" Baekhyun

Again I shrug and check myself up and down.

"Well yeah? I don't see what's wrong with it."

"Baek just leave the poor girl alone. Y/n don't listen to him you look fine." Joshua

Baekhyun tsks and leans back away from the screen and sat back against the headboard of what I can tell is Joshuas bed. I can tell from all the skyping Joshua and I do when we're not together.

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