Foolish love ⁴

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Tzuyu just back home late, it's 8pm already. Once she get inside her house, there she saw her father sit on the couch while watching tv. Soon her father look at her then look at the time.

" What took you so long to back home? "

Mr.Chou look at his daughter. Tzuyu scratch her nape.

" I went to chaeyoung house since we have uh a project to talk about. "

" What project? "

" History portfolio project, dad. "

" Really? "

" Y-yes dad. "

He look at her eyes and hummed.

" Okay. As long it's about school then it's good. You can go upstair and take a shower then continue study. "

" Okay dad. "

Tzuyu walk upstair and take a deep breath. but before she walk upstair, her father call her.

" Where is your phone? "

" Uh, with me. Why dad? "

" Give me your phone. No phone while study."

" W-what? "

" Don't make me repeat, tzuyu. "

" B-but dad. "

He glare making tzuyu sighed. She give her phone at her dad.

" from now on, you only can use your phone on saturday. "

" B-but. "

" This is your punishment. "

" I already break up with her. What else you want? "

tzuyu said while cross her arm. Mumbling something that her dad can't hear it clearly.

" I want you to not getting failed on your exam anymore. Because of that girl you can't focus study. How many times you failed on your exam tzuyu? "

Tzuyu didn't say anything.

" It's not sana fault. "

" Yes it is. Because of her you always came home late. I know you're not with chaeyoung but with her again. Do you think i didn't know? "

Tzuyu look at her dad.

" You went out with her again, holding hands while hugging and kissing. Disgusting! "

" Honey- "

" Don't interrupt me while i talk with tzuyu. "

Mrs.Chou sighed. Tzuyu didn't say anything.

Mr.chou never hate sana at first. Because he thought sana is tzuyu bestfriend. She always visit them sometimes and stay inside tzuyu room to study. Until there's one time that he happen to get inside tzuyu room and he saw tzuyu and sana kissing. That moment, he ask many things to tzuyu. When tzuyu tell the truth that sana and her is in relationship, he told her to break up with sana. Or else he will transfer her at other school. After he know tzuyu already break up with her, he told her to focus study and not getting failed again.

" This is your last chance tzuyu. If i saw you do that again, don't tell me that im a bad father. "

Tzuyu nodded and walk upstair. She lock the door and laid on her bed. Tears fall down on her cheek.

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