Boomerang ¹¹

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Sana strech her body feeling so tired helping her wife working inside the cafe. She just watch her wife cleaning the kitchen since they will closing in a couple minute. While waiting for her, sana was thinking about what happen earlier.

Dahyun almost spill it and it make her nervous and afraid at the same time. She felt relief dahyun didn't spill it or else she will having a hard time to explain to tzuyu. It doesn't matter if tzuyu know it but she doesn't want to see or hurting tzuyu anymore. Although she's not loving her anymore.

She was still suprised knowing sena is dahyun cousin. Dahyun never introduce to her about sena at all. And she wonder why dahyun suddenly appeared after being dissapeared for so long.

Dahyun is one of sana bestfriend when she still study in highschool. They often dare to each other to show that both of them is better. Since sana is losing in rock & scissors game, dahyun dare her to accept tzuyu confession which sana have to think twice or fifth times since she doesn't love tzuyu that time. Beside she never accept someone feelings when she's not falling in love with them. She will straight to the point saying that she's not interested. But tzuyu never give up and dahyun dare sana to accept tzuyu. That's when sana decide to accept tzuyu.

She's been lying to tzuyu since that time. When dahyun know sana and tzuyu being together. Dahyun was happy to see sana is together with tzuyu. Dahyun really ship sana and tzuyu that time though. Tzuyu really love her bestfriend, sana. And tzuyu deserve it since tzuyu is so caring to sana. the way how to make sana accept tzuyu is only doing the dare. And sana really accept the dare.

But after some weeks, she can see how sana always flirt with someone else and it makes dahyun mad. Sana even let other boys to kiss her cheek or hug her when there's no tzuyu around. Sana do that so tzuyu will appeared suddenly and broke up with sana but it never happen since everytime tzuyu want to meet sana, dahyun will prevent tzuyu saying excuse to tzuyu.

Until one day, dahyun have enough and told sana to broke up with tzuyu if she really doesn't love tzuyu. But sana get angry since it's dahyun fault too for doing the dare and she can't broke up with tzuyu since tzuyu can't bear with broke up with her although sana wanting to broke up one time before. They argue until dahyun told her if she didn't broke up with tzuyu, she will tell tzuyu everything.

But after a couple days, dahyun got transfer to another country since her parents have a work at there. Since that time, dahyun and sana never contact anymore. And that's why sana was suprised to see dahyun earlier.

" Sana. "

" Sana baby! "

" H-huh? "

" What are you thinking? "

Sana blink her eyes. Tzuyu was staring at her while caressing her cheek.

" Are you okay? "

" Y-yeah. Just tired "

sana smile. Tzuyu nodded and get up. Both of them then decide to walk out from the cafe and tzuyu close their cafe. Once it's done, both of them get inside tzuyu car and drove to their house. Tzuyu ask sana if she want to go eat somewhere but sana told her that she will cook for them later once they arrived at their house.

" You're gonna cook for both of us? "

" Yes. Why? you don't like it? "

sana tilt her head making tzuyu shake her head.

" I really love it my wife! can't wait to taste your cook "

Tzuyu smile sheepishly making sana shake her head while smiling. Tzuyu was happy to see sana is in a good mood today.

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