Eight letters ⁷

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" M-my son? "

Tzuyu is shocked once he hears what sana just said. sana didn't look at him. she's too tired and hurt to answer it so she gets inside. Tzuyu kept calling her to talk but sana didn't answer anything.

He sigh. he looks at the front door.

I'll visit you again, Sana.

He decided to go back to his house. Once he arrived, he took a shower and after he finished taking a shower and wearing his pajamas, he lay on his bed while staring at the ceiling. He kept thinking about what sana said.

He gets up so suddenly after he remembers what happened a long time ago. that time when he made love with sana.

F... I'm so stupid not to realise about that. I thought it would hurt less when I have to leave her by ignoring her calls and texts.. but..

Tzuyu groan. he felt stupid right now. he look at his phone hoping sana will text him.

Meanwhile, sana just looks at the phone number that tzuyu gives her. She looked beside her and watched his son sleeping cutely. Sana smiles sadly and caresses his cheek. then his ear. she chuckles seeing her son hug tightly his yoda plushie. He really looks like a yoda. She then sighs sadly because she also remembers Tzuyu. That moment when she teases him. She looked at satchew.

Do you trust me if I told you that your dad is not dead?

Sana sighs. He's still a kid. She doesn't want to hurt him. She is afraid that if she tells him that his dad is not dead, he must be disappointed that she lied to him since she always told him never to tell a lie. her head hurts and she decides to sleep. She hugged her son and kissed his forehead.

I love you satchew ah. mommy's love you so much.

The next morning, Sana's car was already at her house. Her best friend helped her. While satchew is just hugging his yoda plushie. He was laughing while watching cartoons.

Sana was talking with her best friend, dahyun.

" Thank You, Dahyun. "

" No problem. Anyway, were you going back home with a cab last night? "

Sana shook her head. she then told dahyun.

" Tzuyu send me home last night"

Dahyun was choked on her drinks.

" Tzuyu?! your ex boyfriend? He's here? How did you guys meet?! "

" Calm down. "

Dahyun nodded. Sana never talks about him to her anymore since she doesn't want to be sad. And this surprised Dahyun that Tzuyu sent her home.

" We met at the toilet outside. Satchew wants to pee so I'm waiting outside. Then my son told me about a guy that looks like yoda and he suddenly pointed at a guy. and it was Tzuyu. "

" And? "

Sana told her what happened. Dahyun was just listening to sana.

" Is it really true that he and his wife are not together anymore? "

" I don't know. "

Sana sighs. She then hears her son calling her.

" Mommy. there's someone outside. "

Satchew held her hand and took her to the door to open it since he saw a figure of a yoda. Sana opened the door and was shocked seeing Tzuyu again. Tzuyu smiled awkwardly.

" H-hi "

" Yoda!! "

Satchew hugged his leg, making Tzuyu's heart melt. He almost called him son. He carried him and touched his ear making Satchew giggle. He also touches Tzuyu ears making Tzuyu giggle.

" What are you doing here? "

Tzuyu look at sana.

" u-um, visit you and satchew. "

Sana eyebrow furrowed. Then Dahyun appeared and looked at Tzuyu with a glare. Tzuyu didn't know her. Dahyun told sana that she will go back to meet her boyfriend momo since he's hungry. sana hugs dahyun and dahyun leaves but still glares at Tzuyu. Satchew is confused.

After Dahyun left, Satchew remembered about his yoda plushie. He moved,making Tzuyu look at him.

" Why? "

" My yoda plushie. "

Tzuyu laughed and put him down. He then ran but tripped. Tzuyu laughed again but stopped and coughed when he saw sana glare at him.

" I'm sorry. Am I bothering you? "

" Did you forget what I told you yesterday? Don't bother me right? "

Tzuyu rubs his back neck and pouts.

" I miss you and I miss our son too. "

Tzuyu says softly. He looks at sana who seems surprised but he quickly holds her both shoulders before sana gets angry. like is it funny?!

" I know you might get angry when I say that so suddenly. That I miss our son. Sana, can we talk? Just the two of us. I want to tell you everything. i know it's my fault. I hurt you, I'm avoiding you. it's my fault. but there's something that I want you to know. I don't care if you will leave me anyways, I just wanna tell you everything. give me a chance to explain "

Tzuyu looked at her sadly. sana was thinking too long.

" FINE. "

Tzuyu was smiling ear to ear. He hugged sana tightly making sana frozen and heart beats faster. She pushed him but not too hard. she was just shocked & blushed.

" Y-yah! "

" *cough* I'm sorry. I'm just too happy that you gave me a chance to explain. "

Tzuyu grinned while rubbing his back neck. sana huff but sHe mIss His hUg, hIs scEnt, His bod-

" Sana. "


" Y-yes! What?! "

" um, so? Can I get inside? "

" For what!? "

" Explanation? It's better I explain inside your room since our son cannot listen to what we talk. hehe "

room... our son... dadd-

" Sana "


" Y-yes! Okay- I Mean NO! We can't! "

" What do you mean? "

" Hm,I will tell my bestfriend Dahyun to take care of our son then we will go out later so you will explain to me soon! "

" Our son? "

Tzuyu smirk. He was surprised at what sana said. sana realise and stutter.

" M-my son! "

" Hehe. okay, so we will go out later? is it a date? "

Tzuyu smirk. sana blushed. she stutters again and gets angry but in a cute way.

" Tzuyu! don't make me change my mind! "

Tzuyu laughs and pinches her cheeks. sana blush.

f...... hormones!

" I'll wait outside. "

Tzuyu smiled. sana nodded. She turns around and walks inside but stops.

f... it!

" Get inside and wait for me! "

" Okay~ "

➪ Late updated. but here you go~

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