123. The Battle Begins

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WARNING: Due to my updating this book to have more detail, all chapters containing the battle itself WILL BE FILLED WITH BLOOD AND GORE!!!! I am going into detail so if you can't stomach that I suggest you skip ahead to after the battle! I warned you all!

Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur soon joined me up on the wall, hidden under the overhang as we all silently, grimly watched as Thranduil, Bard, Gandalf, and Bilbo along with the rest of Thranduil's army and most of Bard's men marched out of Dale and across the bridge through the lightening fog as the first few sun rays cross the horizon, lighting the tip of The Lonely Mountain in golden light. I stared forward, pushing all such emotions to the back of my mind as I focused on the coming battle as the last of Thranduil and Bard's army vanished into the fog.

I glanced down at the dwarves and elves who shifted uncomfortably at the growing silence with the armies now gone and only us, and a skeleton crew of men who couldn't fight well enough in their condition to join the others. Yet, we were all as silent as the grave. The whistle of the winds and the cold bite of the winter air was all that could be heard or felt. I closed my eyes and listened as Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur stood as my silent guards.

Rumble... Rumble...

Rumble... Rumble...

I shuddered, feeling the faint vibrations now myself. The Were-worms are still a little distance away, but I can almost feel the crushing and munching of rock from underground. If they looks anything like the pictures I saw in books at Rivendell, they are truly hideous creatures. Much like an earth worm in looks, only much much uglier. With five giant claw like jaws that open and a are full of razor teeth all the way down into their throat. Mostly the same color as an Earth worm, their bodies are as thick around as a pillar is inside Erebor and some can stretch up to a mile. They are prefect tunnelers and can eat and tunnel through thousands of pounds of earth a day, it is why they were killed of or pushed down far into the earth. Some say Were-worms are powerful enough to cause earth quakes by tunneling through the area. I have no idea if that is true but I know them to be hideous and large creatures with tough hide.

Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur looked at me as I opened my eyes and nodded, speaking quietly.

"They approach, not long now." I whispered, not wishing to break the silence as the three dwarves nodded, all of us watching the southeast ridge once more. Slowly the sun rose and cut through the fog, giving us a clear view of the battlefield in which this battle will take place. Covered in a few melting patches of the last snow but flat and perfect for fighting on, all the way up to the ridge. I glanced towards Erebor as the sun's ray's touched upon the base of the mountain, lighting up the bronze and gold colors of Thranduil's army and the distance less visible colors of dark iron for the Ironfoot. Both stood facing each other with a distance between them, Thranduil's men facing them with spears, if I can see correctly, I hope just to sell the ruse.






I turned quickly to stare at the Southeast ridge, the sounds now very clearly able to be heard across the entire flat lands here as the Were-worms tunneled to the surface. The elves and dwarves behind me mumbled warily at the sound, but I tipped my head up and stood tall like this was nothing, knowing I needed to encourage them. If I don't flinch at the sight of the Were-worms, then they shouldn't either. I noticed an approving look from Bombur at my action as I continued to stare at the ridge, preparing myself for the battle to come, knowing it will be nothing like the battles I have fought in before. This will be a new experience, and not a good type of new experience.

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