17. Stubborn Dwarf

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I looked at Thorin with an annoyed, bored expression, arms crossed, as I watched the very thing I advocated against doing happen again. Thorin stood there, glaring Lord Elrond down as we stood in the garden nearby Lord Elrond's chambers. A private place Lord Elrond keeps for private meetings of important conversations, so this is the first time I have seen the place. The light of the moon was drifting through the hall through the clouds, making the rather pretty hall look more ominous.

But all my focus was on this stupid dwarf ignoring the exact words I gave him but a few short minutes ago. You could literally feel the resentment in the air, coming off of Thorin in waves. I bet I could cut it with a knife, it's so bad. Thorin just continued to glare up at a nonchalant Lord Elrond, so seemed undeterred by horrible dwarf glares.

I learned when I was younger that Elrond doesn't react to anyone being rude like Thorin is, except if they are his enemy.

"Our business is no concern of elves." Thorin growled, crossing his arms amusingly like me. I have a feeling he knew I was glaring at him and decided to ignore it.

"For goodness sake, Thorin-" Gandalf began to say.

I had enough though, especially of this arrogant dwarf ignoring exactly what I told him. My temper flared and I decided not to rein it in. So, I stepped forward, raising a hand to Gandalf, telling him to let me speak. Thorin looked at me, annoyance strong in his eyes as he glared at me as well.

I barely controlled the flames of my temper, just controlling my voice instead of yelling and cursing at this irritating dwarf.

"Thorin." I said in a low voice that very much hinted at my pissed off attitude. I could feel Gandalf and Lord Elrond's eyes on me, as well as Bilbo and Balin. I kept my arms crossed as I glared Thorin down, "Remember our little conversation? Show the map to Lord Elrond." I growled quietly.

Thorin's eyes flared with grumpy anger, glaring me down as if such an idea is stupid. I glared right back, my temper really in control of my actions right now. I have been told that, when I am angry, my eyes can burn like fire more than my hair. I silently hoped this might break through Thorin's thick skull and knock some sense into the dwarf.

Apparently it did, because Thorin growled in irritation before turning to Lord Elrond, pulling the map out of his leather armored coat. I smirked just a touch, happy to finally get something through Thorin's thick skull. I consider it an achievement, since it hasn't worked so far.

"Thorin, no!" Balin said in shock, catching Thorin's arm. Clearly Balin is on Thorin's side in this matter. But, Thorin needs to hand the map to Lord Elrond if we are to continue this journey. I stepped out of Thorin's way, letting him walk up to Lord Elrond, where he reluctantly held out the map.

Lord Elrond carefully took the map, probably to show Thorin he would not destroy it. Lord Elrond looked at me with curiosity in his eyes before looking to Thorin, looking back and forth like he found something amusing.

What, that I still have a strong temper and found another person on accident that might actually be more stubborn than I am? Because I don't find it amusing, I find it irritating. Lord Elrond took a few steps away into the light, Thorin watching closely as Lord Elrond carefully unfolded the map in the light.

"Erebor. What is your interest in this map?" Elrond asked, looking back at us, suspicious.

Thorin scowled and opened his mouth, probably to tell Lord Elrond it's none of his business, but Gandalf thankfully cut him off.

"It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text. You still read ancient dwarvish, do you not?" Gandalf asked, quickly and easily filling the gap of conversation before Thorin could destroy our chances of learning something from Lord Elrond. Gandalf gave Thorin a look, to which Thorin gave a slight nod in understanding. Keeping the true purpose we wanted someone to read the map a secret is smart, even though I feel kind of bad lying to the elf who taught me a lot of what I know.

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