122. Prepare to Battle

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I trotted into Dale as the gates opened, the Firebeard brothers and half of the Ironfoot army behind me. The men inside preparing for battle stared at me with wide eyes. I didn't blame them, this armor makes me feel uncomfortable is it is very obvious of it's expensive nature. Still, I wear for Thorin. Then again, the Firebeard brothers behind me plus a small portion on an army might be part of why I am getting so many looks.

I came to a stop in the courtyard as Bifur, Bofur and Bombur thankfully told the Ironfoot of the area of Dale we would sit and wait in and they marched off in that direction. I got off of my pony and looked at the three dwarves.

"I need to go speak with Lord Thranduil and Lord Bard on how things are going here, can you three go with the Ironfoot? Just to make sure they don't get into fights with the half of Thranduil's army?" I asked as they exchanged glances.

"Alright, lass, I can see your point. We will watch over the Ironfoot while you talk over plans. Make sure to get back before the first sun rays, we have to all be hidden by then." Bombur said before the three dwarves went off in the direction of the Ironfoot. I sighed before turning and making my way through Dale in the direction of Thranduil's tent. It looks like hardly anyone has slept, I can see fires from makeshift forges going, men and even women putting on armor, some were even training with elves while the majority of Thranduil's army stood ready to march to the gates of Erebor for the plan.

I can only hope this plan works, I know Thorin, Bard, and Thranduil planned out the smaller details, I just gave them the idea and, while I have heard Thorin's part of the plan, I haven't heard Bard and Thranduil's.

I smiled as I thought of Thorin's plan. It was rather smart but he said the idea wouldn't have come to him if I had not helped with my part of the plan. Thorin assumed, and I do think he is right, that Azog would think he is under the same curse his family suffers of Gold Sickness, so Azog would think Thorin would lock himself in his halls with the gold. So Thorin planned to remain just hidden behind the front lines with Fili and Kili. Thorin thought it best, and surprisingly Thranduil agreed, that Dain's army split around Thranduil's and come to the front to make a shield wall to the approaching orcs. Upon that time and that time only, the army I am leading will exit out of Dale and pull a surprise attack on them from behind, effectively surrounding the legions of orcs.

But all this hinges on the size of Azog's army, which none of us knows. But once we join in the fray, Thorin will rally the dwarves forward and join the battle. I can only hope this works, but we all agreed that it this plan doesn't go well, that everyone will focus on finding Azog and taking out the leader of the army.

I stepped around several elves and men, both of them staring at me in surprise and awe. The human were more staring at me in surprise seeing the armor I am wearing, the elves more in awe because I have little doubt they know exactly what this armor is. Great, more attention I do not want. Well, I will deal with it as I must. I approached Thranduil's tent, torches lit so I can see where I am going and the two elf guards looked at me in surprise as I came to a stop, one peeking inside the tent where I could hear a discussion going on.

"My King Thranduil, Lady Philomena wishes to speak with you both." The guard said as I waited. He pulled back and nodded to me, opening the tent flap as I stepped in to see Thranduil and Bard look up curiously from a map with wooden figurines. Thranduil simply raised an eyebrow at the armor I was wearing while Bard's eye widened like they were about to fall out of his head.

"It has been many years since I have seen such armor touch the battlefield, I believe it was Thorin's great grandmother who last wore it, for a short battle against some orcs near my woods. I am not surprised the dwarf asked you to wear it, they are a greedy bunch of creatures." Thranduil said blandly as I scowled at him.

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