2. Blunt The Knives, Bend The Forks

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Okay, decided to add the song that inspired the whole story :D I'm not kidding, this song literally inspired everything you are about to read.

Check it out!

Bilbo was running around like crazy trying to stop them, tripping over the rug or stumbling over things the dwarves dropped in their eagerness to eat.

"Those are my pri...! Excuse me, not my wine. Put that back. Put that back. Not the jam, please. Excuse me. Excuse me. It's a tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife?" I heard him yell away as I pulled a knife from my pocket and twirled and spun it for entertainment, watching the havoc. I found Bilbo's floundering hilarious. I thought about trying help him and then decided against it. My way of 'helping' would be trying to tell the dwarves to stop before decking one in the face when they annoy me.

I have a bit of a temper problem, but most pubs enjoy it since I clean out the nasty customers pretty easily.

"Ugh. No, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair... No, so is that. Take it back, please. It's an antique. Not for sitting on. That is a book, not a coaster. And put that map down." I listened to the cacophony of noise with a slight smile on my face. Fairfin cawed softly on my shoulder, white feathers ruffling and wings slightly spread, having seen apple slices. I rolled my eyes, apple slices are one of his favorites.

I laughed softly and gestured with my empty hand for him to grab one. He jumped up and flew so fast the dwarf carrying them jumped and looked around in confusion. Fairfin landed back on my shoulder and shook himself in pleasure at having successfully stolen the food, eating away at the fresh apple slice held in his talons while eyeing the rest of the slices on the plate the dwarf was carrying. I saw the dwarf he stole from look at me with wide eyes, one of the dwarves that just showed up. I laughed in amusement at the dwarf's rather shocked expression, especially since this time the dwarf was in shock a bird stole the food and not shocked at my rather unusual looks. Fairfin was cawing on my shoulder in happiness through a beak full of apple, making the sound funnily garbled.

"That's an interesting bird you got there, lass. Nearly didn't see him." He said, coming over to look at Fairfin. Fairfin watched the apple slices he held with a light blue eye, leaning forward from where his talons held onto my shoulder as he finished the last of the slice the stole.

"This is Fairfin, had him since he was a hatchling." I said, gently petting his soft white feathers. He shivered in delight, fluffing his feathers, before rubbing against my hand with his head happily.

"Never seen a white raven before, he is quite rare, am I correct?" He said, staring at Fairfin as the raven turned his head to study the dwarf with one eye curiously.

Fainfin is a beautiful bird, a bit smaller than most ravens at his age but that could be due to his injury as a hatchling when I rescued him. His eyes, like most white ravens, are light sky blue. His beak was long and an off white color, the same color matching his legs and talons. The rest of his body was covered in beautiful white feathers. He liked to keep his feathers as clean as possible. I swore he was a brighter white than I had seen even on any other bird with white feathers and he is quite proud of that.

"Yes. I tried to release him after he had grown but he always returned to me." I said, Fairfin was slowly leaning down, wings spreading with one stretching out behind my head as I felt it move my hair a bit. It was for this reason that I added I bit more cushion into the clothing on that shoulder, his talons were gripping quite tightly that I could feel it through those layers. But those sharp talons have saved me from starving a few times. The dwarf laughed and handed him another slice of apple. Fairfin quickly grabbed it up in his beak and turned around on my shoulder, eating it with his back to us, so we could only see his tail feathers.

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