29. Delirious Dwarf

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The warg howled out in pain as the obsidian knife sunk into the side of it's muzzle, lighting some of it's white fur on fire as it's jaw loosened around Thorin, more focused on the pain than it's prey. The dwarves all shouted and hollered around me in happiness at my aim, but my eyes didn't leave Thorin who seemed to be hanging limply in the warg's jaws.

Suddenly, Thorin's arm holding his sword swung up, both punching the warg's muzzle and knocking my obsidian knife deeper into the white warg's muzzle. The warg released a high pitched cry of pain before tossing Thorin away from him, my knife still sticking out of it's muzzle.

I looked at Thorin as he smacked into a rock, falling limply there, not moving at all. Oh no, I hope he is just unconscious, not dead.

I really hope he isn't dead, I have just grown to like this stubborn dwarf.

I gritted my teeth as I pushed off the tree, my ankle finally supporting me, if a bit wobbly. There is no way I can run, only hobble. I won't be able to reach Thorin in time in this state. I looked down and noticed Bilbo climbing up the tree to finally stand.

Bilbo looked worriedly at Thorin and then at me. I nodded to hyim, know he would reach Thorin far before I could and at least distract the wargs and orcs longer enough of me to reach Thorin and at least defend him. I believe in the hobbit. I see the courage in the hobbit that Gandalf must have seen from the beginning, I know he can do it.

Biblo ran out off the branch, sword pulled free and I walked as fast as possible after him, more like hobbling as my ankle was doubly unhappy to be once more supporting my weight, I ignored it though as I pulled my own sword free, walking through the hole in the flames as I watched in worry, Azog looking to his right at another orc like he just wanted this over now.

"Biriz torag khobdudol." Azog said calmly, looking back at Thorin with distaste in his evil gase, like he expected more of a fight from the dwarf, which made me growl under my breath.

'Bring me the Dwarf's head.' I translated in my head, my eyes widening as I began hobbling forward faster, stumbling ocachionally but determined to stay on my feet, Thorin needs help and I am not about to just leave the dwarf that has saved my life many times today to die, not if I can help it.

My worry rose more and more as the orc hopped off his warg, pulling a sword free as he began walking up to Thorin like he had all the time in the world. My breath stuttered as the orc came to a stop next to Thorin, raising his sword over Thorin's limp body.

Please, Bilbo, be brave and save Thorin, I thought, watching the scene as I continued to hobble, angry with the distance, knowing I would not reach the dwarf in time to defend him.

I grinned and nearly laughed in relief as Bilbo appeared out of the dark, jumping up with a hobbit battle cry of his own at the orc raising his blade at Thorin, Bilbo's glowing blue sword stabbing into the orcs chest as the orc fell backwards, Bilbo stabbing it once more to make sure it is dead.

During that time, I finally reached Thorin, collapsing in front of him as I held my sword out in defense towards the orcs. I looked back at Thorin worriedly, about to reach out and check for a pulse when I saw his fingers twitch, dazed blue eyes opened and looked at me as he laid there, sprawled out on the rock. I am not entirely sure what he was seeing, he clearly has a concussion of some sort but I don't know much about dwarves, except they are more durable than the average man.

Still, I think any man, no matter if they are dwarf or not, will end up with a concussion if they were tossed from the mouth of a warg onto solid rock.

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