86. Need To Know

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It was a nauseating walk. I felt horrible for the people of Laketown, but Bard wished us good luck before tending to his people. They had to kill some of their animals already, unable to feed them. I worried for the Laketown people but Bard assured me they would have enough to at least survive until their people can begin to hunt.

I did not think so, but I didn't argue, too disoriented and in pain to argue. I felt responsible for how the people of Laketown have been forced to live now and I wished I could do more. But, Fili is not wrong, there is little the people of Laketown can do to help me in my condition. I need Oin's help to improve.

And so we left out the large, destroyed stone gates, walking across the snow covered and rocky landscape. I glanced back, staring in awe at the massive size of Dale, hundreds of square spade towers reaching into the sky, surrounded by large, touch brick walls and guard towers. The city was more like a fortress in my opinion. So many buildings.

Then I looked forward.

And stared.

I guess my exhausted and disoriented mind didn't notice when we left Dale, but the entrance to Erebor... While there is a giant freaking dragon shaped hole in it... the architecture is magnificent. Two colossal sized statues stood like guardian sentinels on either side of the entrance, the rock seemed out of place on the mountain, a deep and but pretty green. The entrance alone into Erebor was taller than any tower I have ever seen. I could see easily now how Smaug was able to fit in the mountain. The sharp angles and shapes of the entrance was very much like the dwarves clothing, a sort of signature of dwarf craftsmanship.

As we grew closer, I stared up at the colossal statues that could be seen for miles. Plated armor, giant boots, dwarf beards and mustaches with stern set faces and a large dwarf shaped helmet over the stone carved head. I noticed their beards were breaded and hung far down their chests in their kneeling position, a giant dwarf shaped axe held out as a symbol to enemies that dwarves are strong folk and will not give up their mountain easily.

The closer we got to the entrance, the more I frowned, my head pounding more and more by the minute as I lend more on Fili and Kili. I could tell they were worried I wouldn't be able to make it much farther but I was determined to show them I was strong enough.

I hoped.

A set of smaller statues lined the entrance of Erebor, full on covering masks and cloaks about the dwarves, swords or axes held in hand. Yet, where the entrance of Erebor is... was a pile of rocks, built up to blockade anyone from entering the mountain or anyone from exiting. I looked worriedly at the sight before glancing between Fili and Kili, who also frowned.

"Why did they..." I closed my eyes for a second, fighting down a slight return of the nausea, "Why did they block up the entrance into Erebor?" I said aloud in worry.

I glanced at Fili, who remained silent before I glance art Kili, who was frowning at the sight.

"I don't know, Mena, let's hope they put in a small door because you can't climb that." Kili said with worry. I didn't deny that, I wouldn't be able to climb a set of stairs right now on my own without tipping over the side. I stared at the makeshift blockade, made from simple rocks and destroyed statues. The head of a dwarf statue inside the blockade made it sort of creepy and grim. This mountain felt... dark, sickly in a way that contradicted it's beauty. It wasn't the mountain that was dark and sick.

I frowned as I reached out with my senses what I could but with my head injury it was a lot more difficult than usual. I felt out carefully, not feeling much out of the ordinary... yet some sort of sixth sense of mine is telling me something dark sits within the mountain, covering its beauty in darkness.

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