6. I hate Orc's

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We rode on till sunset before we settled down near a cliff, quite a defensible area. Fairfin has been on edge the entire time, peeking out to watch the road ahead closely. This put me on edge as Fairfin only did this when an enemy was close by.

I hopped off of Stormy, pulling my bag off, my things faintly rattling as I threw the bag over my shoulder and tied Stormy's reins to a sturdy branch up the cliff a bit from there the others were putting their horses. Stormy sniffed my hair in thanks for the better grass there. I looked to see the others unloading their packs and a few dwarves putting wood together for a fire under a ledge, perfect for blocking the winds.

I carried my bag to a tree a bit farther away and farther from the road. Call me overly vigilant all you want, I have had numerous experiences with sleeping too close to the road. Some have left marks that I rather do not like. I found a nice niche against a tree's trunk and the overhanging ground. I dropped my bag there, pulling out and setting up my blankets which have seen many nights sleeping under the stars on rough ground. I then stuffed my bag under the root nearest.

I still don't trust that thief dwarf not to mess with my things. I didn't put down my sword of knifes, with Fairfin's reactions through the travel, I knew better than to walk anywhere without my weaponry. I walked carefully among the group of dwarves laying down to sleep, grimacing a touch at seeing Bombur had fallen asleep like a rock and was breathing in bugs and breathing them out.

I looked away from that image. I knew I would have to get used to a lot of gross things around dwarves. I stepped over the last dwarf, who snorted, before moving around the fire to lean against the rocky ledge blocking the winds. I sat down, one arm rested on my knee as I stared emotionlessly into the flames, holding out my hands out to warm to the fire. I looked to my right, seeing Fili and Kili sitting across the fire, smoaking away on pipes.

I had no problem with watching others smoke from pipes, but I never enjoyed it, so I avoided the substance. I quietly sighed, staring back into the fire as Fairfin remained hiding under my hair, probably sleeping. Almost all the dwarves were sleeping, except for Fili and Kili on watch. I silently wondered to myself how long it would take the dwarves to realise I am still up when they go to sleep, and awake far before they get up for the morning.

Last night was an uncommon occurrence of being able to sleep till dawn. I believe it is because I wasn't sleeping on the road, or in a pub where I pissed off customers. So I relaxed my usual vigilance, even in sleep. My dreams make me one light sleeper, so it doesn't take much for me to wake. It is due to my dreams that I will most likely be sleeping even less on this adventure. I know that I have a bad tendency of whimpering in my sleep during bad dreams.

Which are every night. I hate anything that make me seem weak when I am not, I will probably sleep with an arm over my mouth to make sure no one hears a thing. Thought i doubt it will do much good, I will just have to sleep as lightly as I do on the road. I have perfected, over the last hundred years, the ability to get small amounts of sleep to keep yourself aware and going. I will just have to continue using such methods.

I was pulled from my intent glare at the fire when I felt Fairfin crawl out from under my hair, tilting his head to study the fire before spreading his wings. I moved the arm resting on top of my knee, already knowing where the raven was going to land. He took off and lighted down on my raised knee, turned to the fire as he kept his wings spread, absorbing the warmth into his feathers. The light of the fire lit his white feathers up in orange, like a fire bird of legend.

I reached out with a hand, running my fingers softly down his back, helping me focus as I focused on Fairfin rather innocent emotions, continuing to run my fingers down the soft feathers of his back as he warmed himself with the fire.

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