121. Doing My Part

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I pulled on some thicker leather clothes to prevent the armor from rubbing my skin wrong, though I knew the armor to be surprisingly comfortable. Though it is so early that I think it was only a little past midnight, I could hear the distant echoes of dwarves working through the night, or maybe they slept and got up to work some more, I am unsure. My night's sleep was fitful, too many worries running through my mind for me to rest, and what rest I got was fraught with nightmares, but not of my past, rather of the battle to come and those I may loose.

I feared that, with the odds stacked against us, not all of us will live to see the sunset. I didn't want to think of one of the Company dying, even Dori, who I spoke little to, I couldn't imagine dead. They are my family, and I can't loose my family just after I found them. What a cruel twist of fate that would be, but no, I will not loose a single one of them. If I must, I will give my life and my sanity to see my family safe.

I was just about to begin braiding my hair when I heard a knock on the door and immediately knew who it was. I think only Thorin knew which room here in Erebor I sort of temporarily claimed as my own, if only because the clothes in this room fit me. I hope the female dwarrow in question won't be too displeased to find half her wardrobe depleted but, after a hundred years, I don't she will care.

If she is even still alive.

"Come in!" I called, hearing the door click and open as I turned my head in the mirror, trying my best to separate out my hair to make a secure braid, I knew I would need it to keep my hair out of the way as I turned my head to try to see what I was doing.

"You know, you could always ask for help, My Ruby." I heard Thorin say in amusement, making me jump as he took my hair from my hands and came to stand behind me. Seeing him in the mirror makes me realize just how much smaller I am then dwarves, Even standing behind me he is half a head taller than me and I appear small because I am more slim than they are. Not skinny, mind, I do definitely have muscle and show my love for fighting in how I look, but Thorin is a lot bigger than me.

No wonder punching his shoulder hurts. I watched as me focused on my hair, separating it and braiding it, absentmindedly tucking my bangs over my ear. I watched, curious and wanting to learn this for myself, as he first made several braid but didn't finish them before picking up my bangs and braiding then from my front left temple all the way to the back of my head in a curve to join the others before he braided it all together, tying it off with my own hair like he did before. I could tell it was secure and wouldn't fall apart easily in the middle of battle.

I will not lie... I am nervous for the battle to come, but I know I must be brave, and fight on. I don't let others know that I am afraid, but I am. I fear for my friends, for my family, for the people I have worked so hard to protect and the new acquaintances I have just met. Some of us will let live to see the next dawn.

Would I be among those numbers, with what I have planned if worse comes to worse?

I no longer fear never knowing who I am, or finding my people, that is now moved far down on my lift of things that are important to me. I know I had a mother, and I had a father, and both of them loved me dearly... if that is all the answers I am to ever find, I will die peacefully knowing I leave nothing unanswered behind. I will, if I must, lay down my life for my family.

Thorin dropped the braid as he stepped back. I turned and smiled gratefully at him as I began picking up the armor piece's and securing them to my legs as I glanced up at him. Once more he was in the same armor he was training with me in yesterday, only now there has clearly been a recent addition to the helmet if Thorin's uncomfortable look has anything to say about it. A crown was added onto the top of the helmet but I liked this crown better than his previous one, simple, not overdone iron, with just a few thin lined of gold here and there. As I stared at him, leaning against the wall with his oak shield over his shoulder, Orcrist at his hip, and the armor plus the crown... For once, I could clearly see him as a king. He so rarely looked it, beyond under the Gold Sickness, that I hardly gave it much thought...

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