116. An Ingenious Plan

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I approached Thorin, who looked relieved I would be entering the tent with him. To the outside person looking in, Thorin would look like he always does, no sign of his uncertainty or the relief he is showing me right now. I have come to get a better read on his actions spelling out what he is feeling at that moment but I mostly get a read on how he actually feels from his eyes. It's still astonishes me, months later, that he will let me see what he is actually feeling through his eyes. While his expression remains stern or cool, his eyes tend to tell me a lot.

It's... nice, to know he trusts me seeing his uncertainty. I gave him a small smile as I walked past him, Thorin falling into stride beside me as I approached Thranduil's tent. The two elf guards on duty were definitely looking at Thorin with distrust until they met my glare. Instead of arguing with me or that their king had agreed to a battle plans meeting with Thorin, they parted the tent flaps.

Inside I saw Gandalf standing off to the side like a silent listener, while Thranduil and Bard leaned over the map of the surrounding area, the pieces on the map having been moved. I could see two wood dwarf pieces over Erebor and then the wooden elf and human pieces, with a wooden roaring orc over the Southeast.

"Ah, Thorin, Philomena, good to see you have arrived. I am afraid there is a bit of a disagreement happening over what to do against Azog's army." Gandalf said, catching the attention of Bard and Thranduil, who I could tell were actually arguing a moment ago. I didn't say anything as I walked over to stand beside the table, I have little clue how to organize armies. And, while I do have ideas, it doesn't mean they are good ones. My ideas apply to smaller groups and, really, how do you move an army? I never have seen an army until this adventure happened.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted." Thranduil said in annoyance, throwing a glare at Thorin. I watched Thorin closely, seeing his jaw clench but, beyond that, he did not react. I was relieved he didn't as I listened to Thranduil.

"If the army of orcs proves to be too much for any of our armies, I will not sit and watch as elvish blood is spilt. If the army proves to be too much I think it would be wiser to summon help from other armies here on Middle-Earth instead of all of us dying for no reason." Thranduil said irritatedly.

"And what of my people? What of their home? We have no where left to run to, so either we stand here, or we stand no where." Bard said as Thorin added in for the first time.

"I am inclined to agree with Lord Bard, while Dale is the home of men, Erebor is the rightful home of my people and I will not turn tail and run away seeking help." Thorin said in annoyance. I watched between Thorin and Thranduil closely as I saw the two giving each other death glares, as they argued, and argued, Bard adding in till I couldn't tell who was speaking. I decided it's best to cut this off before it get worse.

"Alright! All of you, stop it. Stop squabbling like children." I growled, instantly bringing silence to the tent as Bard, Thranduil, and Thorin looked at me. I met each of their eyes to insure they would listen to me and not start arguing again.

"Thranduil, you are right, if the army is too big I understand you not wanting to see the lives of your people slipped on the ground. But, think of why it is that Azog intends to claim the mountain. No amount of falling back and finding help is going to work once those orcs take hold of Erebor. It's one of the most heavily defended mountains in Middle-Earth, Thranduil, if the orcs were to claim it, no amount of soldiers thrown at it will be able to break through. I know it would be wiser to find help, but we have little time before they are upon us. It is up to us, to see that Azog doesn't claim Erebor, and doesn't get into that foul kingdom of the north. Also, you two." I said, looking at Thorin and Bard who stiffened as Thranduil glared at me, but I could tell he was truly thinking over my words.

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