80. The People of Laketown

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I turned and looked at the dwarves, Fili and Kili looked extremely amused by all this, grinning from ear to ear while also watching Alfrid closely. Bofur was smiling at me like he was proud of something I did, which honestly made me watch to blush but I kept my expression smooth as I glanced out the doors, seeing the guards standing around, actually looking at me with admiration, which proves their loyalty to this Idiot of a Master. I could see the people of Laketown gathers and could hear them murmering among each other as I took a deep breath, knowing this is the hard part, something I have never done before.

"Come on, Fili, Kil, Bofur, I think it's time we speak with the people of Laketown." I said as I stepped around the dwarves and out of the Master's house, hearing the people murmur in confusion among each other before they looked up at me and the dwarves at my sides.

"I thought the dwarves left for the mountain?"
"Who's that woman, I saw her the night Thorin arrived!"
"Is she a dwarf? She wears a dwarven cloak!"
"Look at that cloak, though worn from travel it looks very expensive!"
"Her bright red hair, it's braided in the style of the dwarves, who is she?"

The people murmured and whispered among each other till I held up a hand to catch their attention and they fell silent.

I took a deep breath and spoke in a loud and strong voice, hoping to persuade the people of Escaroth to hear my words, "People of Escaroth! There is the very real and likely chance that the dragon is not dead within the mountain!" I called out, the people gasping and crying out at my words, some clearly denying them but none grew too loud to stop my speech, "The prophecy is not to be taken lightly! No prophecy is ever wrong, their words hold nothing but the truth of something that will come to pass. And the prophecy speaks of the day the mountain king reclaims his homeland, but it also speaks of the lake that will shine and burn!" I continued, the people whispering among each other.

"No prophecy can ever be stopped, but they can be tricked. Please, for the safety of your family, your children, and your loved ones, load whatever you can upon your boats and make for the shores of Mirkwood! There are cave systems there that can protect you from dragon fire! Please, for your own safety, evacuate the town!" I called out, dropping my hand as silence fell for a long moment.

Then the people of Escaroth began to murmur among each other before speak out.

"How can we trust your word?"
"Is the prophecy really true? How do you know?"
"You are asking us to abandon our homes! Our lively-hoods!"
"This is our home! We have no where to go!"
"Who even are you, strange woman of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield?" An elderly man asked as he stepped forward out of the crowd. I tipped my chin up before I spoke.

"I am Philomena Vauthlariel, Ward of Lord Elrond of Rivendell." I said, the whispers growing louder.

"Did she say Lord Elrond? The elves raised her?"
"Rivendell! The tales of it's beauty, I wonder if they are true!"
"Elves! Elves took in a human female?"

Silence fell for a long moment as the old man stepped forward some more, clearly one of those who is very set in staying in his home as he narrowed his eyes up at me, "And why should we believe your word? We know nothing of you other than what you say, why should we believe your word?" He asked, watching me intently.

I faltered.

He is right, why should they believe my word? I have nothing to offer them as proof of my connection to the elves, Mirkwood stole everything I could offer as proof and, even then, would they believe me? Likely not. There is nothing I could say or do that will convince these people more than what I have already spoken, so I remained silent, feeling unsurety rise in me.

So Fili and Kili surprised me, stepping forward as the crowd began to murmur, the people starting to turn to leave when Fili and Kili each placed a hand on my shoulder.

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