66. Bard's Home

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I turned, still holding the netting, as I looked at the quaint little home that seemed tilted on its base. Shelves covered the walls with drying greens, a few dotted candles, and a basket or two. There was only one room with a door, the other room was right next to the front door, a young little girl of about ten or eleven inside there, folding clothes.

She looked up from folding, her face brightening as she ran up to Bard, "Da! Where have you been?" She asked, hugging Bard as he hugged her back. I froze at the sight, a twinging pain growing in my chest, watching this young one hug her father, who held the back of her head with all the love he could put into one hug...

I wonder if my father would have done the same thing for me. I gritted my teeth hard, forcing myself to remain standing in the corner, smoothing my expression quickly. I am not jealous, nope, I am not.

"Father! There you are. I was worried." I heard a female voice say, making me turn to see a girl of about 17 or 18 I would say, brown hair done up in a thick braid wearing a soft blue dress. I would gather that she took after her mother, as I see little of Bard's features in this girl. She walked up quickly, nearly sobbing with relief at the sight of her father as she hugged him.

I forced myself to look away, pulling my foot tighter around me as I looked down at my foot, breathing carefully around the needle like pain I felt at the love that very much fills this room. I know I have found a family in the company, but I don't know what it is like to hug my father after he returned from a long day's work. I don't know the warmth and comfort and love he would give in one of his hugs.

I don't even know what my father looks like. Does he have red hair like my own? Or eyes that match mine? Is he goofy and joyful or is he careful and sweet? Less and less, as time passes, do I think I will ever know those answers.

I forced the pain away, drawing up the anger at my own emotions as a shield over the very real pain I struggle to hide, shaking my head and looking around the home as Bard walked around me to the window, watching closely through the window as he handed the older girl a bag.

"Here's something to eat. Bain, get them in." Bard said as I looked at Bain, grinning deviously. I need a distraction from this pain, and I know just where to look for said distraction. I quickly followed Bain down the stairs, the little girl looking at me with wide eyes, probably shocked at my stature and brightly colored hair popping out of my hood. I looked at her once, gave her a slight smile, and followed her brother down the stairs to an open area with a small boat docked on a personal dock connecting to one of the channels through Laketown.

I watched Bain from where I stood in the darker shadows as the boy closely watched the houses across the way. It seems pretty secluded here, though. The back sides of the houses are the only thing really visible, and there are no walkways here so no passing people. Bain continued to watch the area carefully though, before banging his fist on the wall next to the toilet.

I looked over, my grin growing progressively larger as I watched the bald head of one Dwalin the dwarf slowly rising out of the toilet hole, rage in his every xpression as water dripped down his nose. I kept my hood up in case someone stopped my bright red hair, but Dwalin definitely saw my smirk.

"If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off." Dwalin growled at Bain while I snorted, reaching up to cover my face with my cold hand, the leather coverings I made for guarding my hands falling to pieces, bits of leather hanging and covered with little bits of frost, much like the bottom of this cloak and the metal of the clasp. I don't even want to know how much new rust has been added to the necklace that belonged to my mother. Luckily the net Bard forced me to carry covered up the elvish bow strung across my shoulder that I honestly forgot about.

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