36. Travelling On

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I was very unhappy, and not for any reason you think. Gandalf had found a way down, and I did not like the look of it.

Seriously, who designs stairs for a giant and not for short people like me? I seriously could imagine a giant using such stairs too, they were like giant rock bricks steeply running in a spiral down the spire we are on, which is up pretty high.

As I peeked over the edge carefully, rocks breaking under my boot, wondering how in the world I am going to get down those stairs with the state my ankle is in without putting my ankle back to square one of healing. Now, I am not going to go and admit a weakness to one of the dwarves because that would go against my stubbornness and pride, but I was tempted to ask Bilbo for his walking stick till I noticed he was already one step down.

I crossed my arms, thinking, trying to think of a way to get down that would both not make my ankle bad again and make sure I don't end up tumbling down the steps, which would suck pretty bad if I did.

I watched the dwarves begin climbing down, Thorin and Dwalin helping Bombur who was a bit too short and large to do so without ending up pretty injured. None of the dwarves seemed to notice me silently standing there, thinking, which I am glad for.

I hate showing weakness as much as I hate feeling it. I bit my lip as I thought, watching how some of the dwarves were throwing their legs over the edge while sitting before falling the rest of the way. Which works. The steps for big for a dwarves and hobbits, but Gandalf only seemed to struggle slightly as these steps were created for someone probably twice the wizard's height.

I kind of wondered if the person who created them is as tall as trolls to be honest. I looked around the ledge, thinking, not really wanting to have to voice my need for help but I might have to face it soon or they are going to leave me behind.

"Here." I heard a dwarf say suddenly, a hand held out. I turned at looked at Bofur, who was smiling kindly, but yet I could see that he was amused by the fact that I did not want to ask for help.

I looked at his hand and then at him and his strange hat. I wanted to ask how the flaps on the sides stay curved up but that would be silly to ask right now when he just offered to help me down the giant steps.

"Thanks, Bofur. I... was a bit unsure of how I would get down." I said, grimacing at admitting as weakness before accepting his hand, which did not make my hand burn so pleasantly like Thorin's does.

Well, I can write off that strangeness being connected to dwarves as a whole. Still don't know what to make of it. Just thinking of that burning feel made my free hand tingle, which annoyed me.

Bofur let go of my hand and grabbed both my arms before placing me down the first big step. I looked up as Bofur did the same as the other dwarves, sitting down on the step and throwing his legs over before jumping down, limiting the space between the next step and his feet. He landed and nodded to me, walking to the edge of the next step, repeating the same process of grabbing my arms and lowering me down to the third step. This continued all the way down and, by the time Bofur placed me down on grass at the base of the spire, the aching in my arm had viciously returned.

The somewhat deep cut burned too, but I ignored it.

Bofur hopped down to his feet next to me and I looked up to see the rest of the company waiting on us. I was confused my the look in Thorin's eyes, it seemed like some funny mix of anger and gratefulness, which I didn't get. Thorin met my eyes and looked to my ankle, making me feel the rising embarrassment to know he was checking to make sure I am alright.

I refuse to blush like a little girl in front of all these eyes, I will not stand for, so I began walking down hill, seeing a gap ahead for one to leave this bowl shaped valley. I am sure that Thorin and a few others were not pleased with me leading the way out, but I refused to destroy my pride anymore than it has been.

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