53. The Woodland Realm

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I hummed quietly, breathing in the soft scents of herbal mixes, sunlight, and greens. I could see golden light shining through my eyelids, soft fluffy sheets around me and a bed so comfortable I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, or sinking into a cloud. I listened to the distant rustling of trees and heard, from somewhere, the sound of a harp being played in the far distance.

All of these together filled my senses and pulled me into a soothing old memory, drawing a small smile to my face as I remembered Maerwen's sweet caring face...

I sat in bed, fluffy sheets surrounding me and a cold cloth on my forehead, bundled up in so much fluzzy warmth, but I felt too sick to enjoy it. I continued to sniffle, my nose burning and red as I couldn't make it stop running. I looked up at a familiar oval shaped face with honey gold hair pooling over her shoulder as she looked looked at me with care, using an extra cloth to wipe cool water over my face.

I was mad at myself for fake fighting the air with a wooden sword next to the pond. I fell in and the cold water as so shocking it took me awhile to get out. After that, it also took me a while to get back to Rivendell in cold wet clothes. Not long after Maerwen took me to our rooms, I caught a cold.

I coughed roughly as my sniffling made the mucus drip down my throat uncomfortably. I looked blearily at Maerwen with a 'Help me' expression. She smiled softly as she continued to run the cold cloth along my face, down my neck and over my arms. She leaned in and kissed my forehead, making me frown.

I told Maerwen many times I don't like hugs, or kisses. Yet, she always gives me hugs and kisses. I knew she was just my caretaker, not my mother. Lord Elrond told me I wasn't an elf not long after I learned to write. Yet Maerwen always treats me like her own. I don't quite know what to do with that affection.

I looked into Maerwen's brown eyes, pleading silently for help. I wouldn't admit it aloud. I am stronger than that. I don't beg. Maerwen smiled softly at me once more, picking up a glass of some herbal mix. I could smell the soothing mix along with something medicinal. I wrinkled my nose a touch at it.

Maerwen softly chuckled, pushing hair out of my face, "Drink this, my little flower, it will help with the coughing and sooth your throat." She said, taking one of my hands and wrapping it carefully around the glass, helping me lift it to my lips. I gagged at the taste, but Maerwen gave me a soft yet stern look, so I drank all of it. She took the glass from me once I finished the awful stuff as I picked up a cloth and blew my nose, moaning as that irritated my already annoyed nose.

"Where's Lord Elrond? Being sick isn't fun." I said in a stuffy voice, cleaning up my nose and putting away the cloth, falling back on my pillows, hoping sleep would take me so I could get away from this awfulness for a time.

Maerwen softly chuckled, returning to running a cold cloth along my face, neck, and down my arms, "Little one, you chose the worst time to fall sick. He is visiting Lothlorien and will not be back for many moons." She told me softly, making me frown.

"Whad aboud another healer." I said thickly, grumbling as I reached out for another cloth, blowing my nose again.

"We have never dealt with a cold before, little flower. But they are trying to help." She said, softly running her hand through my hair. I closed my eyes and leaned into her hand, for once letting her see how much I appreciate what she does for me. In my mind, I imagined a woman with red curly hair like my own, the flash of golden sun kissed curls shining in the light of painted glass and grey stone bricks appearing in my mind and disappearing just as fast.

I blinked my eyes open, looking up at Maerwen, wondering if I should tell her what I saw. She was always so excited for me when I remembered something of my past. I decided to tell her.

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