93. Tipping Point

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I walked exhaustedly across the treasure, careful of my step. I sighed in annoyance at the fact that I am still unstable on my feet, though the wound is clearly scarred over. Bofur translated Bifur for me and I learned it is just something I will have to adapt to, as it never goes away but you can learn to work around it. That annoyed me but, if Bifur can handle it, then I can too.

I slipped slightly, the gold shifting and falling like sand under my foot as I scramble and caught my balance, huffing quietly in annoyance. I hate it here, but Thorin was pushing for us all to search for the Arkenstone. I haven't seen any sign of a stone like the one they described to me, just a lot of useless gold, a lot of massive jewels worth more than everything I own and a lot of necklaces, rings, bracelets... all of them made of jewels and gold. I have seen very few things here in this treasure horde that are made of silver.

I sat down on the floor between two massive piles of gold, closing my eyes as I rubbed my temples, taking to regain my equilibrium before standing once more. What annoyed me is it took quite a while more than I like to regain my equilibrium. I glanced up in annoyance as Thorin just stared down with blank eyes upon all of us searching.

Each day I grow more angry, more sad, at the way things are going. Each day I can't stand the sight of Thorin as he is more and more not himself till I have to leave before my rising anger speaks for itself. I was enraged at Smaug, at this Treasure Hall, at the Arkenstone....

But, what I did not want to admit to myself is I am also enraged at Thorin. I am more than pissed off that Thorin, who I know has a kind heart, would fall to this sickness so easily. I know it's wrong, that Thorin is not completely at fault, yet I am still angered to no end. I sighed and stayed where I was, hidden among the gold. I have not let the others see just how affected I was by my injuries. Dizziness still comes and goes if I push myself and it can be hard to keep my sense of direction and equilibrium at times.

Yet, now, even thing I have seen and smelled and tasted before seem to be triggering little memories. Nothing big but enough that I know faces of people now. I know my mother, Fairaline Vauthlariel, and her untamable long golden curls and soft green eyes. I know my father, Dragx Vauthlariel, and his stern grey blue eyes and long wavy red hair. I am beginning to suspect Thorin was right when he said I was of high birth even more now than before. The fact that my mother was often dressed in vibrant and rich dresses of an odd and foreign make was my first clue from the small memories. But my father also wore expensive silks and robes of silver and grey in my memories.

I sighed and shook my head, rubbing just above my nose and between my eyebrows like Bofur did when I was in the cart. I was surprised at how well this method works to alleviate headaches and I have used it often to stop bad headaches in their tracks.

I decided that, with all of us practically stuck here in the Treasure Hall for a while, that I might as well use the time to begin stitching the mountain lion stuffed toy back together again. I had already started to do so and, with every patch of bright cloth I add, I am reminded more and more of my old stuffed toy, that thing was covered in patches from me taring it.

I miss that wolf.

"Any sign of it?" I heard Thorin say angrily a distance away as I rolled my eyes, glaring at the stuffed animal before sighing as I began threading the needled through the rip as I pulled out another patch to put on the stuffed mountain lion.

"Nothing yet." Nori called from a distance as I listened to the other climbing over the gold while stitching this stuffed animal together again. My work with a needle and thread has improved, yet still looks awful as I bit off the end of the thread, tucking the remaining thread inside the stuffed creature before laying the patch of cloth over the area and beginning to stitch it in place.

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