132. Guilt

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Philomena's POV

I could faintly feel someone scrubbing my arms gently with a sponge, the feeling of warm water cleansing my skin was pleasant in the sea of darkness I wandered aimlessly, it's peaceful here, warm, comforting, safe. Outside this peaceful sea I know others are waiting for me to wake, yet something told me I shouldn't wake, that being awake held pain and heartbreak, yet I was never one to back away from a challenge as I focused on the feeling of the sponge, my mind waking up more and more.

I was somewhat aware of my wet hair pooled around my head, and warm clothes wrapped around me, as well as several bandages wrapped about different points on my body from... injuries? I could hear the crackling of a fire and smell the burning of wood, warmth filling the room. Under me is soft sheets and a fluffy bed, a blanket pulled up to my chest as the hand holding my arm out stopped gently scrubbing with a sponge and applied something that smelled... herbal to my arm, a light sting coming from the area before I felt my arm also get wrapped in linen.

I heard a feminine sigh before I felt the bed shift slightly and felt... a brush, running gently through my hair. The feeling was so soothing... making me think of Maerwen combing my hair was a child. The feeling reminded me of warmth and comfort, it is so comfortable here... so I did not put in more effort to wake, I was content. Something tugged at the edge of my mind but I ignored it, basking in the peace and warmth.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I heard, making me confused as to why there was knocking, yet my sleepy mind did not put in the effort to question where I am.

"Come in, she is decent." I heard a feminine voice call from over my head, the same person combing my hair so gently. I heard a door creak open and the heavy, familiar footsteps of... someone, my mind was too tired to summon names. I knew him though, I knew I was safest with him. I heard him come to a stop beside my bed, a rough, warm hand like fire gently picked up my own, wrapping my hand in the warmth of a stove.

"She looks better." A deep, gruff voice said, filling me with happiness as I listened, not really caring about the words spoken, just his voice.

"It took me a while to... clean up all the... the blood. She may have a few infections, I have applied a elvish herbal paste to them, it seems like mud, orc blood, and other things may have gotten into those cuts. I cleaned them as best I could, insuring none of that filth remained in the wounds. Some of them are deeper than others, her ribs are extremely bruised but luckily not broken, she may find it hard to bend over at all for a while, or breath evenly. Her vocal cords are also very, very strained. She may find it hard to speak for several weeks above a whisper. But her mental stability... until she wakes, I do not know, Thorin." The feminine voice said, filling me with confusion. They are talking about me, mental stability? What happened?

I strained my mind away from the calming effects of the warmth and brush combing through my hair...

And was instantly hit with horror as the flashbacks hit.

"Come on, My Little Firefly! You can do it! One step at a time! Come to papa!" Dragx said with a grin, leaning on his knees to be level with me as I stumbled and tottered over towards my papa, his long straight red hair done partially up in braids and his familiar grey blue eyes crinkled with joy.....

"I hunt, I hide, I play, I stay. I am the animal of the watch. I am the animal who stands behind you, my other half. And, in death, I am the animal that watches over the soul of my Soul Bond from above. It is with great sadness, and great honor in which I go. There is no greater gift in life, than to have given my life to my Soul Bond, and I shall be remembered among the people of Vecaleen for many years to come." Fairaline said sadly, holding a white flower as she carefully placed the water lily in the pond among the others, signifying Grumo's death....

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