5. Betting and On The Road

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Soon the company were all together, loaded up, and moving out of Hobbiton. I rode at the back on the slightly skittish pony called Stormy, I thought the name fit, with my pack strapped to the back of the pony so my shoulder would start hurting. It wasn't often that I rode a pony, I mostly walked, so I was sure sitting on a pony will begin to hurt at some point. I was quiet with Fairfin flying around our company, picking berries from the trees to eat for his breakfast. His white feathers shined in the morning light, making him easy to spot, even for as fast as he is. I watched the other dwarves expressions as they watched Fairfin fly back and drop some blackberries in my outstretched hand.

"Why, thank you, Fairfin." I said politely to him. He cawed in happiness before flying around my head happily twice and landing on top of my head, pushing out his chest from what I could see, which made me chuckle.

I ate the blackberries, as I had no breakfast before we left, we ate everything poor Bilbo's house had. I smirked at the sight of Dwarves staring at Fairfin in shock. Probably because of me allowing the raven to sit on my head, which didn't bother me, Fairfin has done so before and knew how to keep his sharp claws from nicking my head.

Fairfin made a lower caw, one of his many signals to me, one I recognized as he leaned down to look at me with one blue eye so I got the message. I removed a hand from the reins and pointed two fingers down to the ground, the signal that he could go find a branch to do his business. It was one of the first things I taught him, not wanting to deal with bird poop on me.

He did that once and I never wanted to clean bird poop from my clothes again. And I thought orc blood was bad enough to clean.

He flew off my head, a streak of white in the sky, leaving me to my snack as he vanished in the trees, though I could still feel his emotions.

"You know, that was kind of cool what Fairfin did there." Bofur said as he slowed down his pony to talk, watching where Fairfin flew off to.

"He is used to giving me part of any berries he picks, he's done it for years. Just as I give him parts of my dinner." I said, munching on a blackberry, these were quite good. The hobbits sure knew how to grow things, if the large amount of berries, fruits, and corn growing in their fields is any indication.

"I still don't think I have ever seen such a close relationship between a bird and a person. It is quite wild to watch." He said, looking back at me curiously as I grabbed the reins again.

I nodded, not wishing to get into this part so I nudged my horse to go a little faster till I was riding next to Nori. I kept my eye on him while pretending to stare forward, having heard from others talking about how he was quite the thief if he wished to be. Luckily I stuffed my coin bags to the very bottom of my bag, it was a good way to know when someone was trying to steal. I always did that, too many people like to go snooping around in your things, as I have learned.

"Want to make a wager, lass? Were all betting whether or not Bilbo Baggins will show." Nori said, matching his pony's pace with mine as he looked at me. I smirked while continuing to stare forward.

"Hmmm... I'll bet five gold pieces that he will." I said, seeing something in Bilbo during the few times we talked last night, he held a hidden courage I don't think the dwarves noticed. I tend to observe people closely, it how I keep my thing from getting stolen and it's how I stop low lifes from doing anything stupid in the pubs I stay in. Observation can give you a lot, if you are patient.

"I'll write it down." He said, pulling out a small piece of paper, his horse falling back a bit as he wrote on a piece of crumpled paper.

Some time passed before Fairfin sang out the tune I knew anywhere, it's how we always find each other. The sound made some of the company's heads turn as he flew back through the trees and landed back on my shoulder. I rubbed under his beak as a treat for following my rules before looking forward again. I made sure to always show him that I was proud he followed my rules because it helps in making sure he keeps using them.

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