71. New Sides

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I stood off to the side, my nose itching and burning, as I watched the dwarves rage over the 'Weapons' Bard brought them. I don't judge them for raging, when Bard removed the wet black cloth from the weapons I was both shocked and not shocked at what was shown. I bunch of fishing pikes, a stone hammer, some chains and a few rough pikes. Not at all the sort of weapons that would help us survive the rest of the way to Erebor, or once we step inside.

All manner of creatures could have taken residence inside the mountain if Smaug is truly dead, and there is only so far an elvish bow with no arrows can get me. While I may have my two knives, they don't hold the reach of a sword that might be needed if we once more run into an orc pack, and with these flatter lands it could easily be an orc pack with wargs. These weapons would do little to the hide of a warg. Most of them look as if they have remained rusting in the lake water for over a decade.

Honestly, with how strict this town appears, they very well might have. I pulled my cloak around me more, Fairfin roosting on my shoulder, feathers dry and preened as perfectly as he likes to get them. My hair is still an absolute mess, yet, embarrassingly, in my sleep, Thorin must have combed it out. There are not as many tight and scalp pulling tangles as there originally was, if there is any tangles at all in my hair.

I stole another rag from the rag bin and was amused by this one, it being nearly the same color as the original red cloth I used for my hair. I lost that to the Goblins.... I think? My memory was fuzzy on the details and I am still overly exhausted. I was not about to go and show that though. Nope. I am a strong warrior and I will not be showing the dwarves that I clearly have a small cold. I was still somewhat shocked I admitted how I truly feel to Thorin, yet I was compelled to do so.

I glanced at Thorin, once more feeling an abundance of unknown but pleasant emotions. This relationship between him and I has grown quite a lot since Beorn's hut and now, with no secrets between us and his acceptance of my abnormal abilities, I feel a little more like this relationship might truly last. It was terrifying to think, with my determination still to find who I am. But things could easily change. Yet, I am starting to think he might more than just like me, with how much care he has shown.

I don't know, and thinking on it is giving me a headache. And annoying me, because I was thinking of that close, near kiss of Bard's barge and it was making me want to do it again. I looked away from Thorin, frowning in anger. I am a warrior. I am not some love sick girl!

Yet, I am though. I gritted my teeth at that, trying to ignore it as I brought my attention back to the present, using another rag I stole of the rag bin to wipe my nose, the need to sneeze trying to rise as I fought it. I watched as Thorin angrily pulled a long fishhook like object off the table, looking up at Bard in irritation. The other dwarves pulled some of the objects off the table, looking at them and clearly wondering how you are supposed to fight an orc or a warg with them. In all honesty, you couldn't. Gloin hilariously looked like someone set vegetables in front of him and said eat them. I remained leaning against a wood pillar, arms crossed and expression blank as I watched, a little annoyed that there are no knives among that collection. I feel naked without all of my knives on my person. It's an odd feeling, knowing I only have two.

I am also still annoyed and sad that I lost the sword Lord Elrond gifted me. That sword became like an extension of my arm after all this time, I hoped that many one day I could get Calcatius back, who knew how though since Thranduil probably hates me ever more now.

"What is this?" Thorin said angrily. I didn't even try to stop him because that looks like a tool that would be impossible to use as a weapon, the fishhook end bent backwards, kind of making the points useless. Unless you were catching fish, which is what is is undoubtedly used for. I guess you could bludgeon something over the head with it but I don't see it being any more useful than your fists.

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