100. High Tensions

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I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, my entire plan for freeing Thorin of the Gold Sickness flying out the window with this development. There is just too many party's vying for the gold of Erebor. The tensions will soon be too high and the idea of elves and humans against dwarves just spells out a bloodbath for all involved. I need to think, maybe if I learn of what Thranduil wants...

Then I remembered a jewelry making room just off of the Treasure Hall in Erebor. Inside that room were all manner of expensive jewelry in silver and gold, then there was one that seemed to shine without needing light. A necklace of pure white stones, I believe them to be Lasgalen gems, they are extremely rare and hard to find, probably the most expensive gems in the world. And, the reason they are so expensive, is elves see them as important. I don't fully know the details, but if Thranduil is after those gems...

Maybe there is a way I can stop the blood shed before it happens, if I am right. I mean, Thranduil is already quite rich, so why would he come unless it was for such things? I pulled the green scraf over my hair some more in an attempt to hide myself slightly as I watched Bard walk among the ranks of elves, who parted for him to pass, which was shocking. I mean, I know the people of Laketown have accepted him as their leader, but how did Thranduil know?

I backed up into the crowd slightly as I saw Thranduil trot into the courtyard on a massive elk, so massive I knew it had to be a magical creature of some sort because I have never seen an elk the size of a moose, might even be bigger than that. I could tell Thranduil was here for war, his silvery armor he wore was more than enough of a sign as his army turned to face him once Bard had passed through, Thranduil pulling his elk to a stop in front of Bard.

"My Lord Thranduil," Bard said politely, "We did not look to see you here." Bard said.

"I heard you needed aid." Thranduil said in an actually kind voice, the Mirkwood King can be nice? That is news to me, am I hearing things? I stopped those thoughts there, calming myself. If I wanted to prevent bloodshed, then I cannot be my usual irritating self. I need to make Thranduil listen to me and actually hear what I say if I want this work, which means I need to be nice to him...

This make be more difficult than I thought. I looked in the direction Thranduil turned to and my eyes widened, hope for these people filling me as three carts full to the brim with vegetables and non perishables were trotted in by horses. Enough food to feed the people of Laketown well and restore their strength, enough to maybe even last them until they receive trade, or even till they can establish themselves here in Dale.

A heavy weight fell off my shoulders as the new one, the predicament we are in, was added to the pile. The people around me gasped and cried out with joy and hope as they raced for the wagons coming to a stop. I followed them, immediately hoping up onto a wagon and handing food down to the men and women to help unload. We need to get this food prepared immediately and into the bellies of the hungry children. I did not miss a few of the elves narrowing their eyes and me and I recognized them as some of the ones we saw in the river battle.


I picked up and heavy barrel of grains and placed it down on the ground, which one of the Laketown guards picked up, nodding to me before carrying it inside as I hopped off, seeing this wagon as already quickly unloaded as were the other three, even the elves helping unload so I remained behind a wagon to listen in on Bard and Thranduil's conversation.

Though this could easily turn into a sticky situation for me.

"You have saved us! I do not how to thank you." Bard said gratefully as he looked up at Thranduil while I frowned, easily guessing Thranduil's next words. The Mirkwood king hardly leaves his halls, he did not come here just to feed the people of Laketown. I stomach complained painfully with the smell of vegetables and grains in the air, but I knew I needed to listen to this conversation.

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