11. Gross Troll Cave

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Philomena's POV

I grumbled in annoyance as my sharpest knife wasn't doing much to the thickly made ropes of these disgusting bags. Seriously, were the burlap sacks soaked in every nasty smell in existence? Trust me, I have smelt some rather nasty smells but this one is taking the bill in the worst.

My knife cut through a few of the fibers, but not enough. I frowned at my sharpest knife, realising how much it has shrunk. While I can cut up an enemy, it isn't proving able to do much to a thick rope.

I need to new knives if all of my knives are this bad, it isn't always fighting that makes knives useful. I huffed, looking up at the others, all busy pulling others out of the sacks to help with the giant spit holding the rest in tons of ropes. I made sure no one was looking my way before looking down at Bofur that I was kneeling next to.

"Bofur, do not speak a word of my sword." I growled as I glared at him, making him stiffen and look at me with wide eyes. I have discovered intimidation works better at making people keep secrets.

I reached to my side, realising the holder that keeps my sword in place and pulling out Calcatius, the elvish metal gleaming in the morning light like a star. Bofur's eyes widened even more as the saw the clear make of the sword, and the Sindarin carved into the blade.

I flipped my sword over, sticking it just under the rope and pulling up, the rope snapping easily under the sharp point of the sword. Elf craftsmanship really is fascinating at making the sharpest weapons. I put my sword away quickly, watching the others as I stood, Bofur pushing the rope off of him as he got out of the disgusting sack. I held out a hand to him to help him stand after I secured my sword in it's scabbard, pulling my coat over to cover the scabbard once more.

"Is that an elvish sword?" He whispered once he was standing, fascination in his eyes.

I studied him closely as I pushed the knife back up my sleeve, "Yes, but I would rather that fact not spread." I said, glaring pointedly at him to let him know that if he did tell anyone I would not be pleased.

He nodded in understanding, eyes still wide, till I turned and picked his rather interesting hat up off the ground a distance away, handing it to him.

"Oh, thank you." He said, grinning as he secured his hat on his head. It's still the weirdest hat I have ever seen, but oddly fits him in a goofy way. We both turned from picking up things left on the ground such as water skins when we heard the other called about a troll cave ahead. I grimaced at the idea.

"Great, more disgusting troll smell." I grumbled, Bofur chuckling before taking off after the others. Huh, maybe I can get along with these dwarves, Bofur and Bombur are not as bad, even if they are rather... odd. Then again, all these dwarves were odd.

Except Thorin, I have no idea what he is. I scowled, stomping off after the others, angry at myself for my thoughts yet again drifting to the stubborn and eternally grumpy leader of the company. I studied the cave as I grew closer, my nose wrinkling more and more the closer I got.

Trolls, are they always this disgusting? I have only run into one troll before and that was after the left his hovel in the forest. Later I heard a group of elves took him out, so I never saw trolls before now.

As I stepped right inside the entrance, I gagged, covering my nose and mouth. Okay, I can't handle that smell without losing my dinner. Quickly I reached up and undid the knot at the back of my head holding the red cloth to my head. The instant I did, my hair was everywhere and anywhere, pieces of it immediately in my vision. I am sure many dwarves are laughing at my insane hair.

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