124. Is This My End?

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Azog's POV

I roared my irritation as I stared at the unified front of dwarves, elves, and men that destroyed the entire first half of my army. How did they discover our plans?! I thought out every part of the battle, knowing surprise would be our greatest way to crush the insignificant little creatures known as dwarves and the idiotic ones known as men. I did not expect the elf armies until Bolg warned me, but even then I knew we would triumph because no dwarf would ever make a deal with an elf. And no elf would ever make a deal with a dwarf.

I was rather excited to see them fighting among each other, seeing them divided would make it so much easier for my armies to mow them all down and bathe the steps of my kingdom in their blood.

But, instead of my armies surprising them, they surprised my armies!

I growled in anger, thinking of how they seemed to know my armies were coming, how arrows rained down on the front ranks of my orcs before dwarves made a shield wall in front of elves! It was absurd! Those two prideful races would never work together and yet, before my enraged eyes, they did! Elves vaulted over the dwarves taking out even more of my front line before they charged forward.

But that was not even the greatest surprise of the battle so far! No, the irritating little creatures decided to pull another surprise on my orcs and have the other half of their army come from the city and attack from behind! No dwarf would ever sit still long enough to discuss such an in depth plan with an elf and no elf would ever listen. That disgusting elf king Thranduil with his marred face would never care to listen to a word of what a dwarf would say. And Thorin with the Gold Sickness sinking deeper into his mind and soul, would not leave his treasured gold even if his life depended on it!

I had such plans, I knew surprise would be on my side and I would claim the mountain for my master and watch as the Kingdom of Angmar is once more reborn, seeing the world burn in ash. I planned to have every dwarf head chopped off by my own hand in front of their maddened king. Make every last one of them to watch as their dwarf king drove himself mad, bringing each remaining dwarf before their maddened king to slowly drive him deeper into madness with each death, each dwarf I kill before his eyes, including his nephew's, his sister, and his annoying cousin, until the entire line of Durin lay dead at my feet before locking Thorin away with his gold until he is just on the edge of death before cutting off his head and keeping it as my prize.

Yet, I am even more enraged to see something impossible before my eyes. The miserable whelp, Thorin, racing forward through orc after orc with his army of dwarves rallying behind him, taking out most of my war beasts. He is completely unaffected by the Gold Sickness that plagues his line like a dark shroud. Yet, how? How is he free from what his grandfather and his father suffered under? How are dwarves, elves, and men working together, with a plan they clearly painstakingly laid out over the past few days?

What kind of man could have brought them all together, rallied them as one single army?

I glanced over the battlefield until my eyes lighted upon something unusual. A flash of silvery armor upon the battlefield, standing atop one of my best fighters. I growled angrily as I stared at the source, holding out my hand and growling as an orc whined in fear, handing me a spyglass. I held it to my eye and looked down at the creature covered in silver.

A red haired dwarf stood atop my dead orc, searching the area as curls of hair the color of blood rolled down from under a silver helmet. Yet, the more I looked, the more a realized that this is no dwarf. The armor does not fit right, this creature is far too short to be a dwarf, far too thin to be a male. I grinned as I noticed that this is indeed a female as she turned, studying the battlefield.

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