76. A Promise

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"The history of our people believe in the animal gods who gave us life away from all, the fair few can see what the gods want us to know of the future, and the Prophecy of The Fire is the one we worry the most about." A woman with fluffy golden curls said, gesturing up a massive, steep cliff-side of rock, reaching up and up into the sky until the cliff disappears into the mists and clouds. A rough staircase was carved up and up the rock, strange symbols of animals carved away into the rock and painted with vibrant colors....


"Mama, what happen to animal?" I asked, glancing around for the lizard that sat always on mother's shoulder. The sadness in her eyes pulled at me as she glanced up at the sky.

"He went on to join the animal gods in the afterlife." She said softly....


"Dragx, do not tell me we must part with our child?!" Mother sobbed in pure pain and agony. I glanced out the window and whimpered in fear as I curled up more in the comfort of father's arms, staring at the massacre of blood and death out the window. I quickly turned my head into father's should as a large animal pounced on a group of people....


"Ma! Da! Ma!" I cried, gripping onto the wood, and peeking through the hole. The world kept tossing and turning between water. There was screams and cries of pain, sobbing and growling, words yelled in a rough in unnatural language. I finally found the sight of my father though.

"Da! Da!" I cried, pressing my hands to the wood of the barrel, eyes held close to the peep hole in the wood. Dragx stood with a sword in hand, Fairaline standing behind him, a small knife in her hands as she stared in horror up at the giant white monster. I listened as the monster growled in a fowl and horrible language, blade shining as he fought my father back, Dragx glancing back and at Fairaline with sad eyes as the monster smacked the sword right out of my father's hands.

"DA!!" I cried in fear, scrambling at the wood. No, no, not da! The white monster growled something in his dark language as he cut out my father's head.

My mother broke out sobbing from where she hid in the corner, reaching out to my father.

"Dragx! No!" Fairaline screamed before a blade as shoved through her chest....

"NOOOOO!!!!!!" I shouted, sitting up fast, reaching out. I blinked, taking several deep breaths as the world came into focus, my heart pounding a mile a minute inside my chest, my breathing erratic as I struggled to bring it under my control. I stared forward though, very much still locked in the faint memories. I took several deep breaths, my loose hair falling in my face, Thorin had not yet braided it because he enjoyed running his fingers through my hair. I took several deep breaths to calm myself, shaking my head as I sat up, glancing around the wooden room before frowning at the bed.

That dream was... more memorable than in the past. Flashes and bits of the dream horrified me more than anything else before. Blood stained colored glass windows. Blood on grey stone bricks, blood staining tall grass and ferns....

But what I vividly remembered from the dream was something large and furry pouncing upon a family. The look on the father's face as he wrapped his arms around his wife and two daughters...

I stood quickly, shaking my head violently before looking up at the window, the cold light of the moon shining into the room. Dawn is far away, I can tell. Sleep will not come for me once more tonight. I paced aggitatedly as I heard Fairfin flutter from from the rafters to sit on my shoulder, a low croak escaping him that I did not respond to, faint sounds, smells, and sights flashing through my mind dizzyingly from the dream. I paced and paced, shaking my head, screams, cries of pain and hopelessness filling my head as I paced faster, reaching up and graphing my head, shaking it to try to make them stop, I don't want to hear them, I don't want to know this, I don't want to know...

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