33. I Am Stubborn Towards Help

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"Where is Philomena?" Thorin asked suddenly, sounding a touch panicked. I did move or respond in any way, nearly asleep, so close to sleep... then I won't feel the pain from all my injuries. I faintly heard the shuffling of rocks under a few sets of boots and heard the thump of knees against the rock, sensing someone next to me.

"Philomena?" Thorin asked, worry undertone in his voice as his hand laid on my arm, waking me a touch. I turned my head in his direction, my eyebrows furrowing a touch.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not really holding the energy to speak as I heard the dwarves gather around me, some whispering in worry that I am badly injured. Well, beyond my ankle, things are not too bad at least.

"Oin! Come check Philomena's ankle, I remember her limping." Thorin called out suddenly, rosing me a bit more from nearly falling asleep as I realized how weak I must appear right now and my pride just won't stand for that. I summoned the energy, slowly opening my eyes to sleepily glared at Thorin, who was leaning down over me while sitting on his knees at my side, studying me closely, worry present in his blue eyes.

"I'm fine..." I stubbornly spoke lowly, too tired to make my statement any louder.

"No, you are not." Thorin said, glaring at me for even saying I am fine, irritation and anger shining in his eyes alongside worry. I think this is the most open I have ever seen his eyes. But I wasn't about to stop my stubborn streak.

I moved to sit up, Thorin place a hand on my shoulder and glaring at me, his eyes stating that he wasn't about to let me get up till Oin checks my ankle. I huffed in annoyance, feeling more energy return to me as glared more at Thorin.

"I'm as fit as a fiddle." I stated glaring at Thorin as I tried to sit up again.

He gently held my shoulder down, "I will believe that as far as I can throw it." Thorin said back, smirking a touch as I grumbled, looking away and dropping the argument. I shifted my shoulder, making Thorin's hand drop off of it as I crossed my arms angrily, this was for two reasons. To show my displeasure and to hide the rest of my injuries from their sight. I am not about to be babied, my pride will not stand for it.

I carefully sat up, glaring at Thorin, daring him to stop me. This time, he didn't. Though I could have sworn he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Nah, my mind must be playing tricks on me. I looked up in annoyance, seeing Oin standing on front of the other dwarves, closer to where I am sitting but not approaching. He seemed to be weighing if it is a good idea to approach while also seeming amused at the argument. Soon as he took a step forward, my stubborness flared once more.

"I said I'm fine." I growled, glaring at Oin and then Thorin.

Thorin huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms as he glared me down, "Are you then? Prove it, stand up." Thorin said, giving me a glare that was stern and ordering, I think I will call it his 'Kingly Glare'.

I still wasn't about to back down.

"I will... in a bit." I said, mostly because I can't actually feel my ankle right now and I have no clue if I could even get to my feet with how it's feeling right now. But, my pride and stubbornness is what makes me refuse to show that to Thorin.

"Then you will let Oin see your ankle or I'll have the whole company hold you down while he checks it." Thorin threatened, glaring me down. I growled in anger, glaring right back at Thorin for suggesting that and he glared right back, daring me to make him order the dwarves to hold me down.

I couldn't tell you how long our glaring test of wills went on, the dwarves around us silent like they do not want to interrupt, till Gandalf spoke.

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