77. Tricked

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I hid my obsidian knives up my sleeves in their holders, making sure to strap them in place as I picked up the few good knives I was able to get my hands on, hiding them in the edges of my boots and coats. My cloak was secured around my shoulders, clean of mud and anything else that got on it as I strapped the sword the dwarves found me about my waist. The sword is a bit heavier than I would like but it would do in a pinch.

I glanced up at the window, seeing the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon as I picked up the quiver of arrows, which looks big on me since it's designed for humans, and strapped it tightly over my cloak, picking up my stolen bow and placing it over the quiver as I glanced about the room. With my pack gone, there really isn't a ton I have to pick up here. And, while yesterday was absolutely wonderful with Thorin and I sitting on the roof, his arms about me as we just laid back and pointed out the stars...

I shook my head, my emotions grim and determined. I can only hope my plan works and I can see Thorin again once this is over. I already have my words planned out of what to say to Thorin. I can only hope he will buy them.

I guess the dwarves of the company saw some difference between us yesterday because Fili and Kili would not stop teasing me! It was, 'Aunt Philomena' this, or 'Auntie Mena' that. Drove me insane till I did exactly as I told Thorin I would a lightly hit the two over the head with one of the frying pans in the kitchen. Not enough to hurt them, of course I wouldn't hurt them.

It was silent for a moment after I did so until everyone of the Company broke out laughing.

Balin even patted me on the shoulder once last night as he walked up the steps tro his room, looking at me with such hope and happiness in his eyes that, once more, I feel as though I am missing some part of dwarf culture. Yet, if Thorin has not given me that information yet, it must be something he is not ready to tell.

I'm okay with that.

I froze at that thought, staring out the window with eyes. Wow, were did fiery and annoyed Philomena go? Right out the window after having such a nice day I guess. It has not escaped my attention that I have grown much better at controlling my temper. Of course it still gets out of hand but nothing like it used to. I am a lot more... mellow, I think things through more before I act.

I even planned out my plan for Laketown very well. Each night I could and points in the day when the dwarves thought I was reading I mapped out everything I could on Laketown, using every bit of the strategic thinking Lord Elrond really enforced in my training, no matter how much I hated it.

My plan lay ready and waiting, I even gathered unused supplies and stored them in a specific place for the last half of my plan. I could only hope I planned it well enough. We have one shot at this, if it all goes wrong...

Laketown and many more lives across Middle Earth will be lost. I glared out the window in determination.

No, I will not let that happen. I glanced at the door, hearing a light knock. I had asked for Bilbo to come up after breakfast so I could give him more tea to last the rest to the mountain. I could tell he was confused about why I wanted to do so up here but none of the other dwarves heard and I am sure Bilbo still has not completely gathered his things.

"Come in, Bilbo!" I called, watching as the hobbit cautiously opened the door, making me smile. I could see I was right, he has yet to put his things together just yet. Bilbo glanced around before meeting my eyes, looking better than he did several days before.

"Come in, Bilbo, and shut the door behind you. I will give you are tea, yes, but I have some important things to tell you." I said in a lower, serious tone as Bilbo's eyes widened as he glanced down the hall. I knew he wouldn't spot any of the dwarves, Thorin is currently at the armory grabbing some armor for himself, and I think for Bilbo as well. Bilbo shut the door, looking at me and confusion as I walked over to the dresser, mixing the tea and holding it out to him, to which Bilbo accepted, glancing at my grim expression with worry.

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