62. Drawn To You

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Bard looked at me before approaching. I noticed Thorin tense up a bit and I rolled my eyes at that. I thought Thorin grasped onto the fact that I can defend myself perfectly fine by now. I glared lightly at Thorin before looking at Bard curiously as he came to a stop nearby, looking at the dwarves before speaking.

"I will have to hide the dwarves, but as you appear more human I will say you are here to visit my youngest daughter, who is a close friend of yours, got it?" He said, looking down at me.

I scrunched my nose up, but responded, "Fine." I grumbled. I was actually offended that I would have to act like I a 10 year old human. I am short, but I hate being referred to as young. Many pubs wrongly assumed I was a young teen or something due to my height, completely disregarding that I clearly have mature features, but some humans just automatically assume and it pisses me off.

Many of then received a fist to the face for assuming. I remember lifting one said person up off the ground and asking how this face looks like a 14 year old. I may be short, but that doesn't automatically mean I am young. I hate it so much it's a touchy point for me, so I hate even more that I am actually going to have to act like that. But, to get smuggled into the town, maybe get a meal and some warm clothes? Fine, I will deal with it, even if it pisses me off.

Bard nodded, making his way back to the front of the boat as I sulked at having to act like a child. Honestly it hurts my pride, to be forced to act as such. If a single dwarf decides to tease me about it afterwards, they will find themselves flat on their backs with a knife in their face. I know punching them wouldn't work, I still remember the pain of punching Thorin in the shoulder.

Still, I wouldn't actually use the knife to hurt them, merely threaten them to never speak of it again.

I shivered as the water was really beginning to dry to my clothes, stiffening them from ice crystals and the other minerals in the water. I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I tucked my cloak around me more, watching the boat slowly move through the water and mists, cutting through frozen patches of the lake. I buried my face in my knees, my face feeling chilled, my hair like an ice brick on my neck and back.

I will be really lucky if I walk away from this without catching a minor cold. I have walked through frigid temperatures before, and only felt minor colds, but I haven't dunked myself in river water and let it freeze to my clothes in cold temperatures before. I may very well let up experiencing a cold like the one I had as a kid.

I really, really hope not, because the dwarves need me to be healthy and okay so we can continue our journey to Erebor once we make it out of Laketown.

I heard stomping footsteps, not looking up as I focused on keeping warm and not extending my energy anymore than it already has been today. I felt the person in question sit next to me, before arms suddenly wrapped around me, making me look up in shock to my right. I looked into Thorin's eyes in shock as he smirked a touch, before pulling me closer, his arm hugging my cloak around me better, his warmth burning through his wet clothing and leather armor and into me.

Are dwarves built to handle cold temperatures better? I would guess so, since they dig down into the earth where the sun doesn't shine. I looked around and noticed the dwarves were huddled up, trying to talk out a plan while slowly counting their gold, debating how much I paid Bard. Bilbo was huddled up on top of a box, shivering even more than I am, watching Bard closely, the man seeming to be driving the boat almost automatically, his eyes distant.

I looked at Thorin, who looked at me with curious deep blue eyes. I gulped, staring into his eyes. I could get lost in those infinitely deep blues, the emotions and persona that shines from them, making his eyes nearly sparkle like a sapphire catching the light made it even harder for me to hide how I truly felt towards this royal dwarf. Many of the emotions I feel can't even be named, but they make me feel as light as a kite and as warm as a summer afternoon.

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