24. Horrid Dancing

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Then the situation got even worse.

The giant fat goblin broke out in song and dancing, his giant rolls of fat shaking and jiggling all over the place, and the song wasn't even any good. Honestly it was the worse song I have ever heard and I have heard some bad ones in pubs when drunk men try to sing along to the jaunty tunes of my violin.

If you have ever heard a man drunk on ale trying to make up a song, then surely you know they are not pretty.

This song was ten times worse than any of those. The goblins were wheeling in wooden, metal, and stone contraptions that look like very much like torture machines and I wanted to find a way to push them off into the abyss.

The fat goblin continued to dance, the wood boards of the platform under us shaking and rattling with every step the giant pile of flesh took. I kind of wondered if the platform would cave in under his feet and he would fall.

With his weight? He would fall like a stone. If he did, it would be to our advantage as the goblins would be shocked enough for a second so we could make a run for it. Sadly, though, the platform never caved.

"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung." The goblin king continued to sing, spinning around and around on fat stubby legs, really he just cannot dance.

"You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung." He continued to sing, "You will die down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin Town!"

I shuddered at the horrid song. I really, really hope Thorin has a plan in mind or something or else I am in for one very horrible death. In all honesty I would either fight or choose to jump before facing those torture machines being wheeled in. And if I cannot escape in such a way, I will do my best not to give the goblins the pleasure of hearing me scream.

Demon little creatures, I wish I could kill every last one of them, but I knew better.

Suddenly, the goblins stopped wheeling in the torture machines, goblins jumping around and away from us in fear. I looked to see one quickly backing away from two dropped shining blue blades. Ah, yes, goblins fear elvish blades.

I smirked widely, seeing our possible way out of this.

"I know those swords! It is the Goblin Cleaver! The Biter! The Cold Biting Wind! The blades that sliced a thousand necks!" The goblin king cried out in fear, backing up quickly and crushing fifty goblins under his weight in his hurry to get away from them, pointing at the blades in fear as he held out his staff like the blades would animate themselves and attack him.

Suddenly, the goblins were no longer shocked and afraid, soon we were being beaten and battered as I held tightly onto the hood of the cloak, wincing as blunt weapons hit my arms and back. Yes, I am definitely going to have more than a few bruises from this encounter.

"Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!" The great goblin called out as I winced at another blunt weapon hitting my arm. My breath left me and I looked up quickly, horrified to see Thorin tackled by a couple of goblins who held him down, one with a knife raised, leering at Thorin as he growled and fought against the strength of the goblins holding him.

I pulled a knife free of my sleeve, spinning it quickly to grab it my the tip of the blade, hoping all the aiming practice pays off because dwarves and goblins are passing in front of my vision. I drew my arm backwards and threw the knife just as the goblin moved the knife in his hands to cut off Thorin's head.

The goblin screeched, stopping at looking at the knife sunk blade deep into its arm, watching it and freezing his arm with the knife. I quickly threw another knife, knocking that knife out of his hand and over the edge of the platform. Thorin looked at me with shocked eyes as I am the only person among the dwarves still standing.

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