140: Bonus Chapter

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27 Years Later....






Philomena's POV

"Amad! Look! Look! Hobbits!" Fulin shouted excitedly, hopping along the beaten dirt path like a kangaroo with all the energy of a child. At a mere 24 years of age, the half Narthualian, half Dwarf child was looking more and more like his father every day. While he clearly inherited the build, and the facial hair of Thorin, his hair matched mine in shade and uncontrollableness. Only partially down up in braids, there are times I see that Fulin is trying to match Fili's looks by doing his hair up similar to that of his favorite cousin's hair.

Iris, however....

Iris sat on Thorin's shoulders, arms crossed and huffing at everything, glaring at the hobbits that looked curiously at the four of us, scowling in annoyance at the ground like it proved to be a personal offense to the young female.

Iris is honestly too much like her father for her own good, at only 12 years old, she was a bit of an accident. Of course, neither Thorin nor I would ever tell her such. Fulin was planned, well, as planned as one can be when they have no experience being a mother. And, while I have had many hurdles I didn't know how to climb over, I still did so, and seeing the happiness and love in my children's eyes made it all worth it. Hearing them say, 'I love you, Amad.' Always filled me with such love and happiness for the children I can call my own

I chuckled quietly as Iris huffed at another curiously staring hobbit and giving him the same 'Kingly Glare' in which I used to despise years ago coming from Thorin. Seeing it on Iris' young, still chubby face made it hard for me to avoid laughing at such a look on my little girl. Many years ago it would have irritated me and I would have questioned how to approach the child on her actions, now though, now I am different as I shared a little knowing smile with Thorin as I reached up and pulled lightly on one of Iris' ears, making her look down at me with a scowl as I let her look with a raised eyebrow and scolding eyes.

She frowned at me and sighed in annoyance, flopping her little body over the top of Thorin's head as I chuckled at her antics. There is no doubt that Iris is Thorin's daughter, her inky black wavy hair and her attitude are more than enough to prove her heritage. Yet, her body isn't built like a dwarf, it this she looks much like me, even if she too has her father's eyes. Her thin frame is much like mine and no hair has started to grow from her chin, which can happen for even female dwarves at her age. I get the feeling she will grow up to look like me in the face, yet with her inky black hair and stern, stubborn, and often scowling or glaring blue eyes, she will be a lot like a mini Thorin, with every inch of my stubbornness.

I fear for the boy who sees his One in her, he may loose his hand in the process of trying to court her.

Fulin squealed as I turned to see my eldest child tumbling down the hill, getting covered in mud, grass, and sticks as I sighed and shook my head at another pair of ruined clothes. Fulin ran through more clothing than the seamstresses of Erebor could keep up with, my son was more accident prone than any child I have ever met.

I also have no idea where he got his eternally joyful attitude and constant bright smiles. It definitely isn't from me and, unless Thorin is hiding a secret I have not learn in our time as husband and wife, then I know Fulin definitely did not get his personality from Thorin. In all honesty Fulin reminds me a lot of Kili.

"Oof! Look, Amad! I roll! Roll like ball down the hill!" Fulin called as I laughed and took a deep breath, preparing myself for my voice protesting speaking at this volume as I called down the hill.

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