68. Elvish Healing Spell

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I stepped out of Oin's way as he put down a bowl of lukewarm water and a flat spoon that will work well enough. I dropped the kingsfoil into the water and let it sit for a moment as Bard helped Oin find some cloth for bandages, and a smaller knife so we could reopen the wound, as it is the only way I can draw the poison out, and the arrowhead needs to be removed as well. Soon, with the help of everyone in the room, the counter beside the wooden table had bandages, a bottle of ale, my bowl of soaking kingsfoil, and some thread and needles from Sigrid's sowing kit. That last one I hope we won't have to use, but if the wound is too large once we finish then I will leave that to Oin to handle.

While I have stitched up a few of my own wounds before, I have never had to do something like this.

I watched as I shifted the kingsfoil around in the bowl with the flat spoon, making sure it soaks up as much of the water as possible. This process should make my job easier, and might make it to where I won't have to use as much of my own magic to make this work. Without the water, the likelihood of me immediately passing out would be much higher. Dwalin, Bofur, and Fili all help Kili lift his leg up onto the table and lay down on it, the young dwarf gritting his teeth in determination not to make a sound.

I feel really bad, because Lord Elrond explained just how painful this can be. Like a dislocated joint, it burns and hurts even more once it's popped back into place before you feel the relief. The same applies to Morgul poison. I am nervous, and worried, that I may not be able to pull this off...

But I am determined to keep trying until I exhaust all energy I have. I stirred the kingsfoil some more as Oin came over.

"How is this different from treating normal poisons? What is the kingsfoil going to do different?" Oin questioned. I grimaced, unsure of how to explain this without mentioning the magical side of things.

"Kingsfoil is good against plenty of poisons, no doubt you know that. But, kingsfoil isn't enough against Morgul poison, it needs an extra push. I'm soaking it in water to draw out more of those plant base fluids to the surface of the stems and leaves, the lukewarm water also helps to make sure all of those needed fluids in the kingsfoil are drawn to the surface of the stems." I said simply, stirring the kingsfoil once more.

"But how do you know this, lass? Not many know of kingsfoil's purposes, I didn't even know what you just told me about putting it in lukewarm water." Oin pressed.

I looked at Oin sadly, shaking my head and not answering the question as I stirred the fingfoil once more, "Might want to pull the dressings off of Kili's leg, and the band to slow blood flow, or this won't work. I'm going to need your help too, Oin, I don't know how to pull out arrowheads, and that one is in his leg pretty deep." I said, dodging around Oin's question, making the dwarf sigh.

"Alright, lass, I understand. I will pull the arrowhead out." Oin said, walking over to Kili as I looked up.

"Lad, for Mena to be able to counteract the poison, we gotta pull out the arrowhead still in your leg." Oin said, making Kili grimace as he looked down at his leg. I watched, occasionally stirring the kingsfoil, as Oin unwrapped the wound, leaving the band slowing blood flow. Probably smart while removing an arrowhead.

I turned my head away for a second and took a deep breath at the sight of the wound. Dwarves clearly heal at a rate I didn't expect, as the entry wound had already scabbed over, the black lines from the Morgul poison had spread and dried blood caked the area. I looked back as Bard handed Oin the smaller knife and I looked away once more as Kili groaned through his teeth as Oin reopened the wound.

"Okay, lad, gotta pull the arrowhead out now." Oin said, Kili practically growling for Oin to get it over with. In that second, I could very much see Thorin in Kili's usually bright face. I looked back down, stirring the kingsfoil a bit more as Kili... start cursing in Khuzdul? I don't know what he was saying, but even if I knew some of the language, I definitely wouldn't have been able to tell what he was saying. He was growling it at a fast, cursing pace, but from the looks on the dwarves faces, it ain't pretty.

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