47. Fiery Rage

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I stared intently at the tree, hands on my hips as I stared at the four knives stuck hilt deep in the wood. Actually, in all honesty, I was glaring with the fire of all fires at the four stuck knives. I hissed under my breath, gritting my teeth again so hard I was sure I would shatter them as I grabbed onto the hilt of one, putting a foot on the tree and pulling back with all my might.

I gave up, rage flickering through me as I flicked out another knife like a viper, slamming it through the bark and into the wood, the release of rage and energy somewhat satisfying as I imagined that being an orc.

In all honesty, I knew this tree did not deserve my rage and uncontrollable temper.

I didn't care.

After leaving Thorin and the... situation that happened, I had taken to avoiding the dwarf as intense fiery rage, something he does not deserve having to deal with, rose at just looking at him. It was stupid and childish of me, but I blamed him for what I now feel.

I always handled unwanted emotions best with punching out a few annoying drunks, or taking out orcs and wargs. Not a healthy way for one to handle their unwanted feelings, but that is how I did it.

My hair flew in my face again and I glared at the strands with intense anger. My temper has been flying out beyond my control these last few days, almost to the point that all I have learned over the last century no longer existed. I was being more guided my my fiery temper and rage than my actual thoughts.

The first thing I messed up with my temper was training with Fili and Kili, when I growled at them instead of saying hello when they came to the meadow. I guess they spread the word, because all the dwarves are giving me a wide berth. I would stomp into the dining room, grab my plate, and stomp on back out, only returning to put away my dishes, glaring with rage at any dwarf that looked like they wanted to approach me. I threw Thorin's cloak down on his hay bale he had taken to sleeping on when he wasn't there and avoided looking Thorin in the eyes at all.

Only three dwarves braved my raging temper and sat next to me as I sulked under a tree in the meadow, arms crossed and glaring straight forward. Bombur, Bifur, and Bofur. Still, they stayed there and talked lightly and happily like I wasn't enraged and angry at everything.

I was very... touched that they would try to talk with me about their lives and everyday lives they had before joining the adventure. It made me feel... accepted, a feeling I most unused to. If I raged in Rivendell, I would get locked in my room for a day till I calmed down. Elves are always so composed that they really don't know how to handle someone like me when I am pissed except let me bore myself to death by seeing the same room as I raged.

Yet, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur did not react to my growls or hisses if the conversation leaned towards Thorin and anything about him. I think the three brothers put it together quite well that I was pissed at Thorin. They didn't outright show their displeasure to Thorin, merely gave him looks at points, until I finally spoke during our time at the tree, my voice rough and growly in my rage.

"Don't get angry at him, not anymore his fault than it is mine." I growled, the conversation lulling for a moment as the brothers listened before the lighthearted conversation started up again. I loved to listen to their day to day simple lives. It's nothing like the lives most human's live, nor the extremely boring lives I have heard some Hobbits live.

Bofur worked for the Ered Luin mine. Nothing special of grand like Erebor's mine, but it helped them keep the refugees in Ered Luin fed and happy. He talked of the change in the colors of rock the deeper you go into the ground, the smells and the echo of the caves as well as the joy at finding iron, copper, or silver. He talked of once uncovering a opal in the Ered Luin mines. I didn't quite understand his enthusiasm for his work, but he is a dwarf and they are used to living underground.

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