15. Dinner and Meeting Galadriel

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Lord Elrond nods, guiding us through the halls of Rivendell, taking us in the direction of the larger dining hall, designed for large groups of guests. While it has been a long time, I still remember the entire layout of the halls. Two tables were set, one larger for the entire company and a smaller one off to the side of the balcony. I moved to sit at the company's large table, but Gandalf gave me a look that said he wanted me at the main table.

Why? So Lord Elrond can talk to me and make Thorin more suspicious? I have a feeling that isn't what Gandalf meant. Still, I took a seat at the table as food was placed before us.

"I still remember many times you came here to official meals and still kept knives on your person." Lord Elrond said, looking at me as Thorin took a seat at the opposite end of the small table, to put space between him and Lord Elrond. I nearly rolled my eyes and Thorin's continued show of dislike.

Fairfin hopped down off my shoulder and onto my arm, leaning down and picking up a berry from my plate, which he happily ate. I was glad Fairfin didn't step onto my hand because, while the palm of my hand does not hurt, I do not think me bleeding at a dinner table is a smart way for conversation to start.

I did not miss Lord Elrond studying my bird closely, or the slight bit of grey cloth visible from my casually hidden hand. Lord Elrond was always very observant, but luckily he did not question Fairfin or my hand.

I looked at Gandalf out of the edge of my eye, wondering what I should do in this situation. Gandalf nodded slowly, making me internally sigh with relief before picking up some of my food with a fork and eating.

Once I had swallowed, I spoke in Sindarin, "And I always replied that no meal would be fun without a little entertainment." I replied back in flawless Sindarin, looking at Lord Elrond, who did not smile but I could tell he was amused.

Still, I did not miss Thorin placing down his fork and looking straight at me with shock written all over his face. Yet again this was a point where Thorin seemed to drop his grumpy king persona around me. And, yet again, I seriously questioned why.

"Ah, Yes, how could I forget?" Lord Elrond said, taking a bite of his own food to hide a smile at my words. Fairfin continued to eat all my grapes off my plate, but I wasn't bothered, I let him as I slowly ate my own food.

"What are you two talking about?" Thorin questioned irritably, telling me he is a rather impatient dwarf. Or he just doesn't like not understanding things. Yet he looked to me for an answer rather than Lord Elrond, who started the conversation. I guess I should consider it some improvement, Thorin seeing me as a more reliable source of information than an elf, but I really don't.

"I was telling him where I found my sword when he asked." I lied carefully, pushing my food around my plate. Much like the dwarves, I was never very fond of vegetables. I enjoy fruits because they are sweet, but mostly I eat meat on my travels and stays at pub's, so I was more used to meat in my diet than anything else. Fairfin enjoyed meat, yes, but he ate more fruits and nuts than he does meat. Sometimes I swear this raven isn't in any any a omnivore, just a herbivore.

I wondered to myself if the elves were playing a joke on the dwarves, because I know there are fruits and even some dried meats in the storage, not just purely vegetables. I also noticed I was the only one with berries on my plate, which further proved my thoughts on this being a funny joke to the elves. Luckily Maerwen forced me to eat greens as a kid, so I could somewhat tolerate it.

Quickly following my lie, Lord Elrond placed down his fork and held out his hand for my sword as he asked for it, though he already knows the sword's name since he was the one who gave me Calcatius. I handed it to him though, playing along with my lie.

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