130. The End of Azog, The Defiler

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I looked down as Novu came to a stop on top of the wall, surveying the land for any sight of the orc who's blood will be spilled and, after searching and getting annoyed, I finally spotted the Pale Orc on the wide expanse of ice for a large mountain side river, frozen over, a frozen waterfall leading down, down off of Ravenhill's tall heights. I glared at the Pale Orc and it's hideous white warg circling around the Orc and something hidden behind the wall of snow and ice below. I was just about to tell Novu to jump off the wall and go attack the orc, when the person the orc and his warg are focused on stepped out and pulled me up short.

I stared at the back of the dwarf's head and the wavy, dark black hair thrown through with grey streaks, the silvery armor catching in the light of the sunset's orange's turning him gold and orange, a familiar curved sword held out at his side as the continued to slowly step forward, challenging the Pale Orc.


Suddenly, that broken, agonized part of myself surged forward, shattering my focus as I stared in pure horrified worry at the dwarf I love with every bit of who I am. I can't loose him, he's all I have left to tie me to sanity, to let me know things can still be alright after all I have lost in this war. Thorin, my love, is the only person that has ever tied me to one place without even asking so of me, he has shown me care... selflessness... hope... happiness...


I can't loose him. My mind was no longer focused on the bloodthirst for the Pale Orc's death, no, now I was focused on keeping my anchor alive.

'Novu! Attack the Warg!' I shouted as I noticed, horrified, as the warg jumped forward to pounce on Thorin. In a jump of more power than I thought the cougar I had, Novu screamed out in her most ferocious sound.

"THORIN! LOOK OUT!" I shouted shrilly, my voice probably getting even worse with that. I just barely saw Thorin looking up.

Wind flew past my face, freezing any exposed skin under the caked on stuff on me as Novu tackled the warg. I shouted and jumped off of her back as the cougar went into a roll, unable to stop on the ice as I landed on the ice, skidding and trying to hold my balance as I looked up frantically to see Novu and the warg crash into a large snow pile, roaring, hissing, growling, and all manner of noises coming from the two fighting creatures, nearly deafening.

I threw my hands out as I finally caught my balance, panting as I looked at Thorin and Azog, Azog scowling with pure rage at me as the pained cry of his warg could be heard as Novu growled in her small triumph, the two creatures continuing to battle as two equals, even though Novu is bigger, his white warg is more agile. I glanced out of the edge of my eyes at Thorin, seeing him pulling a heavy rock attached to a chain that is connected to Azog's arm out of the ice. I looked back at Azog, deciding it's best I keep his attention as I held my sword up at the ready, glaring the orc down as I ran forward. Azog grinned as I ran forward along the ice, my eyes watching as Thorin finally pulled free the rock so I stopped.

Azgo frowned, turning to Thorin who threw the large stone at the orc's chest. Azog looked in confusion at the stone he was holding, unaware of how Novu pouncing upon the warg weakened the ice in the area. Thorin step back off of the broken ice shelf, tilting his head as Azog looked down, roaring out his anger as he slipped, the heavy rock impacting the ice and breaking it even more as Azog slipped under the ice, vanishing.

Thorin and I stared at the spot for one long moment, a large part me so angered that it was not the painful death I imagined for the orc before I looked up at Thorin so see him staring at me in a mix of horror and such relief in his eyes that it nearly brought tears to my eyes for how much he cares for me. Nearly, I fought them off. I kept my focus solely on Thorin, knowing that if I let the day's events ran down on me now... I would officially loose it, my façade is already cracking at the seams.

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