97. Fond Memories

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I stepped slowly through the gates of Dale, the sun just beginning to rise when I heard the guards call out for others to come and help as I looked up slowly, the need to rest pulling at me. I haven't slept good all week, but I have not slept at all, not even a wink, in two days, and I have been doing a lot over those two days. Adding in that I still have healing injuries and you have one very exhausted Philomena who can hardly understand the people approaching and talking to her. Luckily the men understood I was too out of it to truly respond and began taking my burdens of the does, then the rabbits and hares, and my firewood.

Bard approached, looking at the good amount of supplies I brought in before looking at me gratefully.

"Thank You, Lady Philomena, but you look like you are about to drop. Please, rest before you actually do." Bard said as I chuckled weakly, leaning against the wall of one of the building the people are staying in, tempted to sleep right there. I guess the huddle of women nearby realized this because they carefully directed me into the building and down against a wall near the fire. Normally I would protest this, but I was so exhausted I didn't know which way was up or down as I fell asleep.....

I laughed as I leaned my head back against Thorin's stone like shoulder, grinning up at him as he looked down at me with light and amused eyes.

"You really challenged a man holding a sword out at you? I wonder if you have a death wish." Thorin said in amusement as I smirked, closing my eyes and enjoying the sun on my face as the singing of birds filled the air, Fairfin out among them as we sat in the meadow outside Beorn's hut. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the trees are bright and green, and the grass underneath us is soft and comforting.

"I did challenge him, even though I had no weapon. As I showed Fili and Kili the other day, I don't need a weapon to take out an enemy, I can simply dodge and weave until I can grab said person." I said. Thorin rolled his eyes as his fingers combed through my hair, his arm loosely hanging around my shoulders.

"Do you always get into fights in every pub you visit? Because I am beginning to question that." Thorin said softly as I chuckled lightly, subtly scooting more into his side for that burning warmth his touch gives me. I am not about to called it snuggling, because I am not snuggling with him, no... I am just enjoying his company.

"I get into fights pretty regularly, yes." I said, looking up and meeting Thorin's eyes once more, sighing as I leaned more on his shoulder, watching as, suddenly, the scenery around us changed. It was nightfall and we were inside the room in Laketown that I stayed in as Thorin brushed my hair back, his eyes blazing with that same intensity that I could not name or understand. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead as I close my eyes, reaching up and holding onto him as his lips remained there.

I was back at the burned house, Thorin grabbing my arm back at the Troll Cave, the flash of shock across his face as he pulled his hand back from my arm, staring at it like he did even recognize his own hand before it vanished...

"Like a... ruby..." Thorin muttered deliriously as the scene changed again to a cliff on fire, his blue dazed eyes staring up at me in a way I still cannot name.

"....We dwarves are different from all other races in how our relationships go..... So, believe me when I say this. You have no need to fear rejection." Balin's words echoed back to me as I stared at Thorin's dazed eyes before the scenery faded once more.

Once more we were in the meadow, Thorin staring at me with determined and nervous eyes as I held his hand to encourage him to speak.

"No one has ever turned my views around so thoroughly as you have. In the process of the arguments... the glaring challenges... I came to know you and trust you." Thorin stated, looking straight into my eyes with a determined look, "Philomena. I have grown very fond of you, and I care for you much more than I ever have anyone else." He said before the scene swam again, changing.

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