25. Escaping Goblin Town

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"You thought you could escape me?" I heard the great goblin say as I pointed my sword first at one goblin before hearing another cackle, pointing my sword at it instead. So many enemies, we are doomed.

"What are you going to do now, wizard?" The goblin king taunted Gandalf, leering down at him as I looked back. My fear disappeared as I smirked in amusement, watching as Gandalf stabbed upwards with his staff, making the goblin king squeal as the staff hit him in the eyes before Gandalf swung out with his sword, cutting the fat goblin's fat stomach.

"Ow, ow, ow!" The goblin said, reaching for his eye as gandalf sliced his stomach. The great goblin fell to it's knees, shaking the whole bridge and making me stumble. The goblin king appeared to think, before looking at Gandalf.

"That'll do it." The fat goblin king said before Gandalf sliced through the goblins beard of fat to it's neck, killing it. The great goblin's body fell heavily on the bridge. I yelped, putting away my sword, spreading my feet and holding my arms out for balance as the entire bridge shook violently. It still shook to much for me to be able to stabilize myself and I thought I might fall before a hand roughly caught my arm, yanking me over to a post to hold onto, my arm aching a bit from probably nearly getting pulled out of it's socket from that.

I looked up after gripping the post to see Thorin gripping tightly onto another post, looking at me with unreadable deep blue eyes as he let go once I had a good grip on the post. How oddly nice of him to offer help, I thought, before the bridge suddenly began falling.

My eyes widened as I looked down to see nothing but blackness, my heart rising up into my throat as my now loose hair went flying upwards from the momentum of our fall, the faint distant clatter of my three thin knives in my braid telling me I lost them all, but I had more pressing issues.

We are going to die... I thought in horror, holding in the screams that wanted to escape me. Still, I don't think I stopped the sound from escaping me in a terrified whimper, though luckily the blasting sound of air rushing past our ears made sure no one heard that sound that is most embarrassing to me.

I gripped tighter to the post as my knees sunk slightly, the splintered wood of the post cutting into the dirty torn and sweaty cloth over my hands as I gripped tighter, gritting my teeth so tight I am surprised my jaw didn't break as the bridge jerked sharply over the thinner, steeper point of the cavern, slowing our fall in a jerky, rather uncomfortable way for my hands and my currently sore shoulder.

Finally, the bridge came to a jerking, rougher halt, my hands slipping from sweat and probably blood. I stumbled backwards, my feet and then my body tumbling off the top path of the bridge as I tumbled over protesting dwarves, scrambling to catch myself.

I winced, closing my eyes tightly as I landed heavily on my left ankle, that ankle taking the brunt of my weight as sending a jarring, sharp pain up my leg as I hissed out air slowly at the pain, taking a breath. I pushed off the rock ground with my hands, which were sweaty still. I stood carefully, looking at the dwarves and fighting off the pain so I could try and help them out of the haphazard fallen debris of the bridge covering most of them.

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur said way too cheerfully for the situation we were just in. I frowned at him.

I gasped as I was suddenly crushed to the rocky floor under a large, fat and flabby arm that smelled like it has not been washed in centuries. I gagged at the smell, wheezing as I tried to breath, pulling my arm free and pushing with all the strength I had left at the giant arm crushing me, only for it to not budge, I just did not have enough strength as I struggled to breathe what air I could, crushed into the rocky floor digging through my coat and cloak, poking me.

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