95. The Arkenstone

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I watched Bilbo walk along the path below, Fairfin sitting on my shoulder. We had been trailing the hobbit for the last four hours. I knew he held the Arkenstone and, while I had several different plans running through my mind, this was the first of all of them. I have four different plans laid out in my mind, and if the fourth plan does not work...

Then I go to my fifth plan, return to the wilds and never look back.

I had high hopes though that this plan would not be needed, I had to hope or I would loose it. I walked silently along the plan, watching Bilbo as he made for the gates. I saw a few dwarves along the way, secretively searching for me and asking if Bilbo had seen any signs. Turns out Thorin was enraged at my act and told the dwarves to give up the search, while a few secretively searched for me, the rest were in the Treasure Halls, searching for a stone that is not there.

I listened closely and heard Bilbo tell Balin that he would watch the entrance for me. I nodded to myself, racing on ahead. I planned to scout the area and make sure not a dwarf is nearby or watching. I had a plan and I will see it through. As I checked every entrance and every area of light, I looked out to see the moon low in the sky, realizing it must be past midnight before I climbed up the broken statue of a dwarf and sat silently, Fairfin hiding in my coat as we waited. Cold wind drifted in from the winter landscape outside, yet these clothes did their work well and the cold did not touch me at all. I was sad about Thorin's cloak he gave me, in the room I had been sleeping in, I hid it under the dresser carefully in the hopes that maybe one day I will be able to grab it again.

I doubted it though, with how things are going. Each and every one of my plans could end up with Thorin hating me for the rest of my life, but at least he would hate me while being sane. I could live with that.

I watched, silent as the grave, as Bilbo walked slowly by below me, distracted by his thoughts and clearly worried for Thorin, possibly me as well since the hobbit glanced around as he climbed the steps, sighing when he saw nothing but stone walls. I silently climbed down the statue, a little off balance but I made up for it by being slow. Normally I could do this with ease but I am starting to believe Bifur on this just being something I will have to adapt to. I lightly walked along the railing before leaning up against a pillar, peeking out at Bilbo, watching him pace aggitatedly on one side of the crushed pathway that was once up here.

He continued up and down the path, pacing and pacing, until he stopped as I lightly stepped off of the railing next to the pillar, glancing back to make sure the coast is still clear. All the dwarves are around the other side of the mountain now, this place was already searched to see if they could find me. Bilbo and I are the only ones here. I watched the hobbit check the area anxiously as I remained hidden in the darkness before Bilbo sat, seeming lost in thought.

I silently crept closer, watching as Bilbo pulled back his coat, reaching into the interior pocket and pulling out...

A stone, unlike any I have ever seen before. The shivering glow about it is unnatural, not at all a normal jewel. See through mostly, but inside was a shifting, shivering light of blue and a touch of gold. Not at all an ordinary stone. No, I do not think it was made as the heart of the Lonely Mountain, rather that it was placed there for a reason.

"Bilbo." I said quietly as I stepped out, the hobbit squeaking as he quickly hid the stone, looking at me like he wasn't just holding the very stone Thorin was searching for.

"Oh! Philomena, the others wondered if you had left, they are all searching for you worriedly." Bilbo said casually as I narrowed my eyes.

"Cut the chit chat, Bilbo, I know that only half of the Company is searching for me, because Thorin grew too angry to care and told all of them to give up the search." I said in annoyance as Bilbo grimaced in embarrassment. I sighed as I walked over, sitting on a pile of destroyed pillars as I studied the hobbit who was trying to look nonchalant.

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