96. Tending to The People of Laketown

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I carefully closed the door, sticking a thin bit of wood I found into it. From the inside, this invisible door looks closed to the world. Bilbo did as I asked and rounded up the searching dwarves, returning them all to the Treasure Room before they faced Thorin's wrath. I hated lying to them, but I needed to stop them from being divided between Thorin and me, my next actions will only drive Thorin farther away and, as horrible as I felt at doing it, I would rather the dwarves be angry with me once this is over than torn over helping me or being with their leader.

I am not one of them, it hurts but its true.

I walked to the ledge, looking down the mountain as I spotted the weird stair case that is actually a flat staircase and not the easiest to climb. I carefully made my way down it, a stolen black cloak over my shoulders to hide my red hair. It is luckily still nightfall so if any of the dwarves take over watch at the entrance to Erebor, then they won't see me. I reached the bottom and stood for a second, catching my balance as I looked down the steep rocky slope of this side of the Lonely Mountain. Snow has fallen recently, covering the ground here in boot deep snow, but I could see Dale was only lightly covered in the distance. I could even spot the fires of the people within the town.

First I planned to help them, I don't know if they need my help but I will see. I shifted my quiver of arrows higher up my shoulder, the short bow in my hand as I made my way down the slopes, the sounds of cawing ravens filling the air. I blinked as one particular raven suddenly flew over and landed on my shoulder, weighing it down heavily. I stared, wide eyed at the large raven, wondering why it was following me. I reached into the small pack I put together over my shoulder, pulling out some grains I felt out to the raven. Nothing special, he or she might not even eat it. The black raven carefully picked up the grains from my hand, swallowing them down and nuzzling my cheek before flying off back in into the nearby trees as I stopped, watching it go.

I tilted my head, curious but the feeling of another living animal by my side filled me with a touch of it's happiness as I continued down the mountain. I did not miss several animals of the forest nearby stepping around the trees to watch me go by. A deer with a magnificent set of antlers. A fox or two, several ravens and other birds and I swore I saw a mountain lion.

I don't know what changed, I knew my gift had been growing in power but not this quickly, yet it made me feel... less alone, so I welcomed the attention of the animals to sooth my mind.

So I was quite shocked when the mountain lion bounded out of the woods and came to a stop at my side, bowing its head to me, watching me as I realized what it wanted to do. My eyes widened as I reached out to sooth my hand along the mountain lion's fur, shivering as it's emotions leeched into me or powerful pride at being the king of predators. I always thought the emotions of larger predators were fascinating. The mountain lion, a male mountain lion, rumbled softly at me, pale eyes watching me closely.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, yet I enjoyed the feeling of it's care.

"Alright, alright, you can help me get closer to Dale, but that's it, alright?" I said, the mountain lion rumbling out a rough purr as his reply. I carefully got onto his back, my light weight easy for the larger creature to carry as he stood, my arms carefully wrapped about his neck as he took off, running down the steep cliffs of snow with ease as I laughed in awe and astonishment at how... amazing this is to me. Animals of course acknowledge me, but not on this scale. It was like talking to a friend, but only emotionally. The mountain lion took me down the steep cliffs and half the way across the flatter plains to Dale before coming to a stop.

I carefully got off of his back and bowed in thanks to the magnificent creature as he rumbled happily, nudging his head against my own before running back off into the forest like the graceful creature he is while I watched, awed.

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