126. Loss

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Finally, we reached the north courtyard which was a mess of fighting men, orcs, and trolls. I just barely spotted Gandalf dealing with an orcs as Bilbo hopped around on his silent feet, stabbing the troll in the knees and ankles as Gandalf kept it busy. Novu jumped straight into the fray, taking on four trolls on her own. I worried for the cougar, some memory still tugging at my mind but she handled herself with surprising grace, has she fought in a war before?

I couldn't answer that as I raced over to Gandalf and Bilbo. I quickly pulled free a knife and threw it at the orc's head that was aiming for Gandalf's undefended back, the orc crying out before it fell silent as I reached Gandalf and Bilbo, slashing at the troll's leg as it roared out in pain, dropping to one knee as I hopped on that knee and threw myself up into the troll's shoulder, stabbing my sword down into is neck as the troll gurgled, dropping to his other knee as Gandalf backed away while I pulled free my sword, launching myself off of the troll's shoulder and rolling to a stop as the thing fell, shaking the ground.

I panted as I stood, looking up at Gandalf as his eyes widened, most likely at the mess I was absolutely caked in. Fairfin croaked as he came in for a landing on my shoulder, the white raven wasn't quite as white anymore either, his talons are caked in black blood of orcs and some of his feathers are covered in it and dirt.

"Philomena, it seems you have been in the thick of the battle." Gandalf pointed out as I panted, adrenaline all that was giving me the strength to keep on going, I was positively exhausted. Novu screeched in pure rage and I looked in her direction to see a bloody cut across she side of her pretty feline face, making me worried but she quickly struck out with her front claws and ripped into the troll's face, killing it instantly.

"Well, I probably would have been dead already if it wasn't for Novu over there." I said, gesturing to the cougar as Gandalf twitched in a weird way, looking at the cougar with wide eyes, but he didn't seem surprised... I narrowed my eyes at the wizard, he knows something, something he isn't willing to share. The anger from before the battle tried to return but I pushed it away, that is for after this battle, if we live to see the end of the battle, that is.

Novu quickly helped Tauriel and Legolas take out the last trolls as the last few orcs in the courtyard were killed, the two elves and Novu racing over to us. I cleaned my sword in the meantime, the city seems pretty cleared of all orcs now, which is a blessing in this case, I am so grateful Novu found us or else this battle could have turned in a very bad way.

"Gandalf!" Legolas shout as he raced over with Tauriel, reminding me they had urgent news to share with Gandalf or Thranduil. I wondered what it was, it must be bad if they were in such a hurry they entered the being invaded city without backup or help. A dark, foreboding feeling rose in the pit of my stomach now that I did not have to worry about fighting off trolls, war beasts, and orcs.

"Legolas... Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf says in relief and shock, most likely he did not expect the elf to be among those in the battle. Now that I come to think of it, after Laketown they were hunting down the remaining orcs of the pack that hunted us from Mirkwood, did they find something in their search that is truly that bad?

"There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us!" Legolas said urgently as he came to a stop before us, Tauriel nodding. The foreboding feeling in my gut grew stronger, if another horde of orcs falls upon us... we are doomed, there is no way our divided armies can withstand a surprise attack. If Bolg brings those orcs down upon us, we are done for and the battle will be lost.

"Gundabad...This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the north." Gandalf said, my mind freezing in place as everything turned icy cold.

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