52. Passing Out

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I slowly opened my eyes dazedly, staring at the spinning forest of grey colors and murky green. I closed my eyes again and moaned in nausea quietly, leaning more into Thorin's shoulder as his arm held me up and kept me walking.

This forest affected me a lot more than I would like to admit. The rolling pit of nausea that took up residence in my stomach was unrelenting, I could hardly eat a single bite of our rations. I don't doubt I have lost weight. I don't even know how long we have been in this horrid forest, it feels like years. I was hardly aware of anything really, my remaining energy and attention focused nearly completely on keeping my powers at bay.

That is a whole other bag of worries. I don't quite know how much longer I can keep this up, my ability is not something I usually block for such long periods. I am used to having my gift out and subtly reading creatures even if I ignore it. This... this is giving me such a massive migraine that loud noises make me flinch, anything brighter than the dull grey of the forest was like spikes into my eyes and even strong scents making me feel so ill that i am surprised I am able to remain on my feet.

But, I will deal with all those problems to keep the worst at bay. The dizziness. I accidentally let my ability slip a small touch while waking up... some time ago, I have lost track, and instantly was hit with near crippling nausea and dizziness. I haven't felt right on my feet since then.

I don't even have a memory of how I end up practically hugging Thorin's side as he guides me down the path with the Company. I don't think I asked for help, or did I? Everything is so muddled, so blurry and upside down.

I leaned my head on Thorin's warm shoulder, his arm tightened around me, carefully nudging me to keep on moving. I so hope we are near the end of this forest and this horrid path. I looked up through squinted eyes, not missing the worried looks tossed my direction. I am not one to show vulnerability, I know that, but I can't even string more than a few words together in my mind right now before the nausea, dizziness, and migraine rip my thoughts apart.

It was by mere strength of will that I am even awake and walking. I slowly looked over the dwarves, spotting pale Bilbo with his green face. He is no doubt being affected more as well. I don't think I would be as affected if I didn't have my ability, but sadly right now my emotion reading ability is more of a curse than a blessing.

I hope Fairfin is still alright.

I didn't miss how the dwarves were not as affected by the putrid air and thick layer of magic on the land that felt like it soaked down to your bones with an unearthly chill. This layer of magic feels suffocating, but I am probably the only one here who can feel that. The others are lucky, it isn't pleasant.

Nothing is pleasant right now, except for the warmth of Thorin's arm around me and his body at my side, radiating warmth. I felt entirely too cold, probably a mix of that bone chilling magical feel and autumn getting into full sway. I shivered from the cold chill that ran down my spine from the unnatural magic, sighing as I leaned more into Thorin.

Who seemed totally unaffected by supporting nearly all of my weight. I leaned my head back and looked up at him, studying him in a hopes to get my mind off of how miserable I feel at the moment. The light of the forest seems to turn everything dull and colorless, because the healthy pallor of his skin doesn't seem visible here. He looks pale like a ghost. I probably do as well, even with my tan. His hair looked black like ink in the light.

He looked down at me, his eyes crinkled in worry as they looked into mine. The forest even darkened his sapphire eyes, darkened blue to the point that his eyes look near black. I am sure my eyes probably look worse, since I can hardly focus on Thorin. I am sure they looked dazed and unfocused.

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