19. Leaving Rivendell

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I climbed up more and more of the steps, my clothes cleaned of dirt and grass from previous travelling. My hair was somewhat tamed, at least easier to braid and stay in a braid, so I was very glad to be able to take that bath before we left Rivendell.

The steps up and out of the eastern entrance of the valley are steep and winding, as this portion of the valley is much taller and steeper than the rest. The sounds of the waterfalls on either side were soothing at least, as the first few rays of the sun broke into the valley, signalling early morning.

I followed behind Bofur, climbing up the steps with the dwarves in a single file line. The steps were not quite that wide for more than one person at a time as we climbed up the winding steps. I pulled my bag higher on my shoulder, Fairfin swaying with my steps, partially asleep on my shoulder if his tipping beak was any sign. I felt bad, but none of us got sleep last night. I could see poor Ori up head nearly run into Bombur's back with his drooping head.

I was at the back of the line, with just enough distance from the dwarves to hum a quiet tune to myself, imagining playing my violin next to a campfire, singing quietly along to the tune of the elvish song, normally sung in sindarin but I often sung it in common tongue. It was a tune that Maerwen would sing to me as a child and it is a song I don't want to forget.

I looked out of the edge of my eye to see the cloth covering the instrument, hoping at some point in the future I can play the violin once more.

I continued humming the tune in a low voice, so the dwarves don't hear. I really don't need them questioning why I am humming a clearly elvish tune. We continued up the steps, silence among us as we were in a hurry. Sadly, people like Bombur are just not used to climbing this many stairs clearly designed for elves and not dwarves, so moving was a bit slower than I liked.

Fairfin shook himself, annoyed with nearly falling asleep again and spread his wings, flying off my shoulder to stretch his wings and keep himself awake. I smiled at the bird in amusement as he spun and twisted around all of us, doing his best to stay awake. Fainfin nearly made me chuckle as he spun quickly around Thorin's head, before shocking me to my core.

Fairfin lighted down on Thorin's shoulder, beak tilted towards Thorin as he examined Thorin closely, tilting his beak and head down a touch.

My eye were as wide as saucers, Fairfin was asking for Thorin to pet him. Fairfin only did that if he absolutely trusts someone, and I have never seen him land on anyone else's shoulder but my own. I was so shocked that I stopped where I was, staring at Fairfin as he waited for Thorin to pet his head. Thorin reached out and carefully ran two fingers down Fairfin's head, looking back at me in confusion and shock. Fairfin lifted his head, croaking at Thorin as Fairfin remained on Thorin's shoulder looking forward up the steps.

I didn't miss a few eyeing the bird, probably wondering why the raven, that is clearly attached to me, is sitting on Thorin's shoulder. I continued to watch Fairfin, awed by the fact that Fairfin trusts Thorin that much even after having known him for such a short time. Fainfin is innocent in many ways, but ever since the incident of me gaining the scars on my arm, he is more vigilant, much more careful about who he trusts.

I have long since learned that there is some mysterious way Fairfin can read a person and I have learned to trust it. If Fairfin trusts Thorin so much, maybe I should learn to trust the royal stubborn dwarf a bit more.

Soon, I could see the end of the cliff, which is great because all these stairs are getting a bit old. I almost feel sorry of the elves that created this extremely long and winding stairs up this steep cliff. As we continued up the stairs, I check on Fairfin as often as I could, just to make sure he is okay. Fairfin seems unbothered, perched on Thorin's shoulder. Thorin was even being kind to the bird as he began falling asleep again by carefully lifting Fairfin beak to wake him up. Thorin's should may be bigger than mine, but it looks like Fairfin is trying to avoid tearing up Thorin's leather armor with his talons, so he doesn't have the best grip.

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