115. A Meeting Between Three Kings

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I Stood outside my tent, just enjoying a mintue of not doing anything. I alerted the guards at the gate to Dale and they spread the word while I told Thranduil and Bard that Thorin is on his way to discuss battle plans. I can see Thranduil's tent from my own and I have yet to see Thorin approach so I am guessing he is helping see to the repairs of Dale's walls.

So I am just standing here, enjoying the lack of weight sitting heavily on my shoulders. Of course, I am still worried for the battle after tomorrow. Who wouldn't be? We have no idea as to how large Azog's army of orcs may be and, while we have the combined armies of dwarves, men, and elves, I worry at the army coming of Dol Guldur. Gandalf made it sound like their was an impressive yet terrifying number of orcs marching our way and I am inclined to believe the wizard because I have never seen him nervous like that.

I knew there is no way we can find more fighters in such a short time so we will need to work with what we have. Yet, once more I was thinking over the fact that the orcs wants to surprise us. They are keeping their distance and, if I had never spoken, not even Thranduil's elves would have known of the approaching orc army. A realization hit me that we have an even greater advantage than having two heavily fortified cities. We have the element of surprise on our side. I mean, come on, everyone across all of Middle-Earth knows their is a long standing problem between dwarves and elves. Azog no doubt though Thorin's pride would make him go to war with Thranduil's army.

If we play out hand right.... we can deal a smashing blow to the first few ranks of orcs before they form up again...

Many plans and thoughts ran through my mind as I thought up several plans that could work... but it all depends on if this meeting between the three kings is one where I actually get to offer up some of my ideas. I do think Bard may listen to me, he has shockingly been listening to me from the beginning, but I have no idea on Thorin or Thranduil...

Though Thorin said he would always trust me. The... almost devotion in those words still astonishes me.

"Mena?" I heard suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts as I looked curiously to my left to see Bilbo standing there, a wrapped object in his hands. I looked up at him in confusion, able to clearly see that is the Arkenstone in his hands. I still wasn't entirely sure of what to do with the stone. I don't think it is wise to return it to Thorin, something about it's magic was... odd. It's rare for things to be of neutral magic, but now I get the sense the stone has so much magic packed into it that it gives of magic to everything it touches.

What tipped me off to that is the stronger magic feel coming from Bilbo's pocket. I still try my best to keep my senses away from that ring, I don't like the feel of it, it seems too... greedy. Something is really wrong with that ring and I do fear for my hobbit friend on what that ring may do to him in the long run.

I was more than terrified, thinking it may be the one lost ring of power. If it is... then all of Middle-Earth has a great many reasons to fear. So I tried not to think of that. If we are to survive this battle, I plan to speak to Gandalf on keeping an eye on the hobbit, just to make sure he is okay.

"Bilbo, what brings you by my tent?" I asked lightly, not letting my darker thoughts color my tone as Bilbo held out the wrapped stone. I looked at him curiously before taking it, feeling a touch of the strong magic seeping through the cloth. I quickly stuffed the stone in my pocket, shaking my hand out of Bilbo's sight. I am not about to let Bilbo know of that fact that the stone is so magical that it tried to seep into my small amount of magic, then he would go tell Gandalf and, well, we might have a serious problem on our hands.

"I see Thorin is following through with his word, I ran into Dwalin and Bombur by the walls of Dale, patching up holes with large rocks from Erebor." Bilbo said conversationally as he came to stand beside me, doing that funny thing he does of sticking his thumbs in his pockets.

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