112. Relief

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Our small group and ten guards rode out along the bridge, a pack of the dwarves belongings on the back of my pony. I hoped that Thorin wouldn't... wouldn't hate me for my actions and that I could walk to Erebor and return the other's belongings to them. Sadly I might not be that lucky and might just have to place the bag near Thorin to carry up to them himself. I could feel Bilbo watching me, as well as Gandalf, but I was silent.

Before riding out of the mountain I ducked my head in the bucket of washing water in my tent. While not the most effective way to get rid of my tear stained cheeks, it is still much better than riding to the meeting point with my cloak's hood up. While I had one hand on the reins of my pony, the other was nervously rubbing the hidden fabric of my old cloak. I have no idea how Thorin will react to my presence at this meeting point, I don't know if he will hate me being there, ignore me, or accept my presence. I don't know anything about how he may act and it has me on edge.

I glanced at Thranduil on his giant elk with Bard on his white horse a little behind the elven king. An armed guard of ten elves marched behind us, which I hoped would not cause Thorin to rethink this or change his mind and attack, because I don't know if he would bring some of the dwarves with him.

As we crested the hill, I was very shocked to see Thorin, without his armor, without his crown, no expensive clothing or robes. No, though it was hard to see from this distance, it looked like he wasn't wearing any gold of any sort. What shocked me the most is he is quite the distance away from the... the barricade is gone! I stared, wide eyed at the rubble of the now missing barricade. Even from this distance I can see the dwarves gathering things, and what looks like wagons of stone.

Yet, Thorin stands alone, out in the open, with not even Balin at his side. I stared at Thorin with wide eyes as we approached. Slowly, as we got closer, I could see him better and hope and relief filled me to see Thorin in simple leathers and clothing, looking more like the Thorin I knew from the journey here than Gold Sickness Thorin. I actually do not even see a sword or anything on him, even more shocking.

Our group came to a stop a short distance before Thorin as I watched him closely. Thorin's face was as unreadable as ever, but I have gotten good at picking out the smaller tells. I could tell by the set of his chin and the hard look in his eyes that he was very determined on something. What is it? Righting what he has done, stopping an army or orcs? I was nervous and fearful of his reaction to me.

Yet, Thorin did not look at me as we all dismounted our horses. I picked up the bag of goods and threw it over my shoulder, but kept to the back of the group as Gandalf, Thranduil, and Bard walked forward.

We all came to a stop a short distance from Thorin.

I watched as Thorin looked over the group and tensed as his eyes landed on me for a second, completely unreadable as I looked away. When I glanced back Thorin had turned his attention to Bard and Thranduil.

"I know there is much I have done wrong, much I must repair, but I trust that the chest of gold reached your people, Lord Bard?" Thorin said, speaking in an odd mix of his 'Kingly tone' and something... different. I actually like this new version of Thorin.

"Indeed, as well as your promise to give us the amount we need to rebuild once the battle is over." Bard said gratefully as Thorin nodded, glancing at Thranduil with a glare. Well, I guess some things won't change no matter our much you try.

"I may not like you, Lord Thranduil, but your have helped the People of Dale, including some of my own Company during my time as... not myself, so here is the last of the gems of Lasgalen that belong to your people." Thorin said, holding out a small bag. I watched interestedly as Thranduil nodded to a guard, who walked over and collected the bag from Thorin, handing it to Thranduil, who looked in the bag before looking up at Thorin.

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