75. Learning Khuzdul

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I was reading yet another book when I heard a knock on my door, making me grin widely. Thorin and I spoke for hours yesterday, until Balin came to get us for dinner. The elder dwarf smiled with tears in his eyes at the sight of Thorin leaning his weight against the wood footing of the bed, his legs stretched out in front of him and me leaning against the wall under the window, my legs laying over Thorin's as I described some of the things I have done and seen in my travels.

The others decided not to disturb us as we went back to talking after dinner and late into the night. Unlike with humans, the dwarves believe so strongly in their laws and way of life that even courting dwarves don't need a chaperone when they are alone, they are not like humans. I was shocked by this when I questioned Thorin on it, wondering if he should go to his own bed for the night. So we sat there for a few hours on the floor, just talking under the light of a candle before Thorin bade me goodnight and returned to his room.

"Come in!" I called, already knowing who it would be as I looked up, closing my book as I saw Thorin step in the room, closing the door behind him as he glanced up at me. He looked odd in the longer, larger human clothes, a giant red cloak with fur over his shoulders. I am still wearing the one Thorin gifted me and I doubt I will change it out for a newer one anytime soon. I smiled at Thorin as I set the book down at my side.

"Back again?" I said in amusement as Thorin smiled down at me, making it hard for me to keep my breath even as he gave me a soft and open look that just about made me forget where I am. I did a bit more scouting last night, a plan nearly fully formed in my mind now as I had found a rather tall building, strategically placed away from the taller tower with the Wind Lance. My plan is stupid and dangerous, but I will plan of every alternative. I have but three more days to prepare, but I cannot do it during daylight and alert the dwarves. In all honesty, I was exhausted from another night of horrible sleep. I slept so lightly, nightmares pulling at me wherever I go, that it may have well been me just laying there till morning.

I have no doubt it showed, since Thorin frowned at the dark circles under my eyes.

"Contrary to what you believe, Ruby, I do enjoy your company. May I ask what is it that is keeping you from a good night's rest?" Thorin said as he sat down beside me, shocking me and making me freeze for a moment as he reached out and ran his thumb carefully under one of my eyes, a trail of fire left in the wake of his thumb as I glanced up at him.

"It's just nightmares, Thorin, I deal with them every night, I just find them harder to deal with when I am not completely exhausted when I fall asleep at night." I said quietly, frowning as I looked away, Thorin's hand falling from my cheek, not liking admitting such facts but yesterday opened something new in this relationship and I feel compelled to be honest with Thorin.

Thorin frowned as I glanced at him before nodding and looking away, seemingly thinking on something before he started speaking.

"I believe we left of yesterday on you talking of all you learned in Rivendell." Thorin said kindly, making me smile gratefully at skipping over such a topic of weakness for me as I glanced up at the old wood ceiling, thinking. "As you can imagine, I learned much from the elves, so much the insured my survival in the outside world, alone and without a Company at my back. My Caretaker, her name was Maerwen... She left for across the seas soon after I left Rivendell, she had started to fade..." I frowned in sadness at that before shaking my head, "My caretaker did not care much of my choice in fighting, but ever since the eldest of Lord Elrond's twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir, placed a knife in my hand to teach me how to protect myself I became hooked on learning to fight and be a warrior like Elladan and Elrohir. Hilariously, growing up, they were sort of like my role models." I said, glancing at Thorin as he smiled in amusement.

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