54. Threatening A King

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I looked around the giant open area of the underground cavern. Every rock surface was covered in roots, trunks, or greens so you wouldn't even know it's a cavern. Light streamed in from many points, lighting everything in a brilliant golden glow. Massive, tall pillar of birch wood spiraled up to the roof of the cavern, having grown in intricate designs that are curved and smooth, like most elvish designs. Yet still, nothing like the thin archways and delicate looking white stone designs of Rivendell. These are clearly built to look pretty but be sturdy.

The healer continued to lead me of a set of curving steps, two elf guards on either side of me as I climbed the steps. I eyed the two closely out of the edge of my eyes as I walked with my head held high, determined to show Thranduil that I won't back down from the argument I know I am about to cause. The two guards walked with long spears in hand. Nearly too big for me, but I knew I could use the spear like a baton if needed.

Soon, we passed guards lining the way as the steps widened gradually, before, finally, we reached to top. I came to a stop as the healer moved to the side, bowing to her king and the two guards watching me backed away a touch. I studied the flatted area of stone, carved with elvish runes and depictions up to another short flight of steps, leading to a throne of wood curving and winding up like a gigantic set of deer antlers.

And there, sitting on his throne like everything is his to command, is Thranduil, looking down at me like I am an insignificant insect. I felt my anger rise, remembering that look when he spotted my in Rivendell, but I tamped my anger down for a moment, glaring back at the elvish king. He looked different from the time I saw him in Rivendell, but when he was in Rivendell he didn't need his crown or immaculate royal robes. Though what he did wear in Rivendell was clearly still expensive silks. This time he wore expensive looking sky blue silk robes, a strange crown of tree branches and some red plant on his white blonde hair.

"I would say it is nice to see you again, mutant, but it isn't." Thranduil drawled, making my grit my teeth and glare even more at him. He stood from his throne, walking in a way typical to royalty that normally pisses me off. Except for Thorin, he does it in some way that seems to command respect, not demand it.

Thranduil studied me, his eyes going from my braided hair that I purposefully put over one shoulder to the too big cloak around my shoulders, the clear dwarf design in the metal and stamped in the leather standing out.

"The only reason I haven't decided to throw you in the dungeons with the dwarves you are clearly travelling with, if you attire says anything, is because you were the runt Lord Elrond took in and raised." Thranduil said, making me clench my fists more and more, my breathing sounding loud in the quiet as I continued to glare Thranduil down.

"Also, because I am curious. How does Philomena Vauthlariel, raised by Lord Elrond, end up running around in the forest with a group of filthy dwarves. Surely you didn't join them because you like them, that group of smelly dwarves are about as unlikeable as any greedy dwarves I have ever met." Thranduil drawled, walking slowly like he was pacing before his throne, hands raised and fingertips touching as he seemed to be thinking before turning to look at me once more.

"Maybe, as insane as it is for you to grasp, it is because I actually like them." I ground out, my voice an angry growling sound through clenched teeth.

He glared down at me in annoyance, "Do not push me, even though you are Lord Elrond's pet project, I will not hesitate to throw you in the dungeons for the rest of your miserable life. I have not forgotten you trodding your disgusting boots over my silk robes." Thranduil said, annoyed.

I smirked widely up at Thranduil, "Are you expecting an apology? Because I am not giving one, I don't regret that at all. In fact, I felt pretty good about trodding mud onto the edge of your robes."

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