107. Facing My Fears

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I took several deep breaths as I checked my sword, so glad to have Calcatius back at my side, and my knives. I realistically knew that, if Thorin came after me... well, I would not be able to raise a weapon against him gathered my insane, tangled, and dirty hair together, binding the now dirty green scarf about it to hold my hair in place, making sure the courting braid was out and visible. I caressed the pretty Durin blue and gold ribbon, closing my eyes tight at what I knew I had to do next. I picked up the cloak given to me by Thranduil when I stole the necklace for him. I threw it over my shoulders, dusting off my clothes and closing my eye, taking several deep breaths before opening them and stepping outside my tent, head held high like I was not about to walk into a dangerous situation.

Lord Thranduil and Lord Bard insisted I have some form of a guard go with me, to warn them if Thorin truly has lost it and to protect me. Honestly, if this doesn't work... what choice do any of us have but to fight the legions of Dol Guldur and hope some of us survive to see the day after the battle? I don't think a guard matters and I fear the sight of them will enrage Thorin even more.

So I was relieved when Gandalf stepped forward and offered to join me. The wizard knew this is difficult for me and I do not want anyone seeing the state I might be in when I... come out of Erebor. Either I will be thrown into the dungeons of Erebor, killed, or I will step out but I... I don't know how much this will hurt.

I know I will not be swayed. Bilbo already tried that, following me to my tent and trying to talk me out of this, telling me it's too dangerous and his plan may work better. Eventually, my action showed I would not change my course of action.

"Bilbo, promise me, and promise me this right now, that you will not follow with that stone and try returning it to Thorin. You know what I told you, Bilbo, and the farther away that stone is, the more likely I am to succeed at freeing Thorin from the Gold Sickness. So promise me that you will not follow and bring it with you." I sternly said, making Bilbo promise just a few short minutes ago.

With that handled, I stepped outside the tent and walked to the courtyard to see the brown pony I rode to Erebor and Gandalf with his horse waiting. I smiled grimly at Gandalf as I untied the reins of the pony from a pole and hopped up onto the saddle. I glanced over as Gandalf got onto his horse only to see Thranduil and Bard approaching, Bilbo beside them. I funnily enough got Thranduil to promise that Bilbo and the stone stays here. It's still shocking how much Thranduil is being nice to me, but I can only guess my actions have made him hate me a little less. I did get him the necklace meant for his wife so I guess that counts for something.

"We are not coming with you, Lady Philomena, I just thought I would wish you luck in this plan of yours. If you can distract a dragon, I have no doubt you can make Thorin see reason." Bard said, nodding to me as I smiled a touch.

"As much as I used to dislike you, Lady Philomena, I have seen a much more mature person these last few weeks here. So I wish you luck as well in your plans, if you can irritate me into leaving Rivendell I have no doubt your stubbornness and temper can make a thick headed dwarf see reason." Thranduil said blandly, making me smirk. I guess that is as close as you can get to a good luck from Thranduil.

I looked down at Bilbo, "Remember my words, Bilbo." I said sternly as Bilbo frowned sadly before nodding as I began to move my pony away.

"Mena!" Bilbo called as I glanced back, pulling my pony to a stop, "Be safe, I would hate to loose another friend." Bilbo said sincerely, making me smile some as I nodded and looked forward, tapping the side of my pony to get the pony to trot much faster, soon I and Gandalf behind me were racing out of Dale and onto the bridge. I stared forward, ignoring Gandalf at my side as I focused.

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