129. Ravenhill Battle

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If I want to find and kill the savage orc, I need to start where I last knew he was. I hissed to myself as I raced down the hallway, looking for a way out. A mountain goat gave a warning cry as I rounded the corner and came face to face with a rather hideous orc. I quickly swiped out with my sword, knocking his legs out from under him before jumping onto the orc's chest and stabbing my sword into it's heart, a vicious pleasure racing through me at the touch of vengeance. It is not enough, it will never me enough until I return to the favor to The Pale Orc who severed my father's head from his shoulders. It will never be enough until I do the same to the orc and sever his head from his shoulders. I vaulted myself off of the orc's dead body and continued on, the animals following me down the tunnels where I could hear a loud caw sound and looked to the end of the tunnel to see a pure black raven scratching at the face of an orc as I race up and quickly struck in a killing blow to the orc, looking blankly at the tired raven as he landed on an old torch scone and sat there for a second, wings drooping before he looked up at me.

'There be. Lots of orcs. Down end of tunnel. Open space. Many orcs. Many trolls. Much danger. High up. Dwarf. Fighting. Alone. Several orcs.' The raven told me as I growled, yet the aching, agonizing pain in my chest at the sight of the raven, though he bore no similarities to... to... I-it did give me some clarity.

Taking out Azog can wait for but a moment, I cannot loose another. I looked down the tunnel in the direction in which the raven was hinting, the light at the end of the tunnel visible before I quickly looked at the raven once more.

'Direct me to dwarf. Pale Orc can wait. Save pack first.' I replied as the raven croaked, sending sharp, blade like pain straight into my chest before he flew forward and the dull, emotionless feel took hold once more. I raced forward after the raven as he didn't go toward the light but instead flew right up a set of broken and half frozen stairs. I frowned but followed carefully, nearly slipping before a mountain goat offered me a ride, to which I gratefully accepted, the mountain goat somehow being able to dodge the slippery ice.

As the mountain goat came to a stop, I glared at the sight before me of three orcs ganging up on a familiar head of straight black hair, Kili! The mountain goat shot forward in response to my anger, ramming head on into one orc as I dived off of the goat's back, tackling another orc around the neck in a chokehold, bringing the orc down to the ground with me as I held on, unable to stab him with my sword and I have no knives left. I grunted in pain as the orc fell back on me, thrashing to try to break free of my hold, but I wasn't letting go.

Suddenly the orc was lifted off of me and I heard the sound of metal on flesh as I looked over to see the other orc that was attacking Kili is dead, a few snow foxes, biting it to make sure it is well and truly dead. Kili slashed out once more, ensuring the orc was dead as I collapsed on the ground for the moment, wheezing, in pain, and so exhausted I could sleep straight for a week.

I must carry on, I must! I groaning in pain, I am slowly realizing I have received more than several injuries in this battle, I tried my best to push myself to my feet until I spotted a hand held out. I glanced up at Kili and saw nothing but shock and pure worry in his eyes, but like his brother did before. I reached out and grabbed his hand as he pulled me to my feet as I wheezed for a moment, my clearly bruised ribs protesting the action as I closed my eyes for a moment and hunched over, taking a moment to regain my energy.

"Kili!" I heard suddenly as I looked up, Kili letting out a shocked shout as he was suddenly bear tackled by the blonde haired dwarf of his brother. Kili shouted out in shock as they both tumbled in the snow on the raised steps, Fili hugging his brother so tightly that Kili was laughing and gasping for air as he pounded his brother on the back to tell him to let go. The sight tugged at that shattered part of myself that refused to rise to the surface, pulling up care but also agonizing pain so I quickly pushed it away to feel the blank void of no emotions once more.

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