14. Returning To Rivendell

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Elvish horns.

I looked up at Gandalf, smirking as I suddenly realised what Gandalf's play was here. You sly wizard, using us being chased to take us to the one place Thorin refused to go. I was internally berating myself for not realising those familiar markers were the markers of one of the cave entrances to Rivendell.

We all stood still, listening to the thundering hooves of the elves horses, the thwacking sound of arrows and roaring orcs and wargs in rage. I smirked more and more at the sound, remembering the two times I joined the elves in riding out and taking out orcs or wargs who trailed too close to Rivendell. It was my first experience at fighting an actual enemy.

My eyes widened and I quickly moved my feet away as in orc fell down the tunnel like dead weight, coming to a stop on the floor with an arrow stick out of the orc. Thorin frowned, stepping forward and pulling the arrow free from the orc, studying it before anger filled his face.

"Elves." He said in disgust, like the horns didn't give away the fact elves were near. I frowned a touch, looking away to hide my frown. The elves were the ones that took me in, raised me, taught me to fight, to think like a strategist and learn my surroundings and my enemy. And trust me, I was not an easy person to raise, there were many times I tested both Lord Elrond and my caretaker's patience.

I was just stubborn that way.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin called, appearing around the corner of the cave.

"Follow it, of course!" Bofur called frantically, probably not wanting to deal with whatever might be above, though I am pretty sure the elves killed off all the orcs and wargs with ease.

I stood and began dusting off dirt and dust from the cave that got onto my clothing before holding out my right hand to Ori to keep the wrapped hand out of view. Ori took me hand and smiled in thanks before running off after the others, probably excited to see where the cave leads. I am glad the kid no longer fears me, I really don't like people fearing me, unless they are my enemy. Then I am fine with it.

I too was excited though, I knew where this cave leads, Elladan and Elrohir and I used it to sneak out away from pranks, though they are two fully grown elves, they act like children. Probably why I got along with them so well, there are not a lot of elf children running around this place.

Plus I was super excited to see a comfortable bed, nicely cooked food, and a bathtub. I felt gross and I was exhausted, maybe a comfortable bed will fight off the nightmares for the night.

I highly doubted that, but I could hope.

Even though I am used to living off the land or staying in small Inns and pubs, doesn't mean I don't enjoy the nicer comforts of places like Rivendell. We all walk in single file through the small tunnel, trying not to run into each other or catch our packs on the rough walls.

I stepped out into the sunlight, stepping down the steps carved into the rock to give the dwarves room as I smiled at the radiant sight of Rivendell, glittering like a white jewel in the sun, making the brightness of the green around it and the waterfalls pouring down into the valley that much more magnificent. I was awash with memories of my childhood, running around those brightly lit halls filled with natural sunlight and the constant smell of flowers in bloom and the greens of the plant life surrounding Rivendell.

It has been too long, I wonder now why I never visited once more.

"The Valley of Imraldis. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name." Gandalf said to the dwarves who didn't know where they are. I did not miss the massive scowl on Thorin's face that was slowly getting worse the longer he stared at the valley.

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