55. A Painful Truth

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I frowned in thought, suddenly realising something.

"Wait, Balin said you two are both hard headed... did you talk to Thranduil as well?" I asked, wondering what Thranduil would try to demand of Thorin.

"Indeed, and the elf tried to demand of me something from the mountain when he did not honor his word to those of Erebor. I did not accept and I too threatened the elf king." Thorin said, spitting out 'elf king' like and insult, "I told him he could go Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu." Thorin said, sounding proud of himself and very much the kingly dwarf he is.

I froze a touch in rubbing his hand, feeling my cheeks heat up a touch, glad I am in a dark cell and Thorin can't my face. Wow, who knew hearing the royal dwarf speak another language, what I think is Khudzul, would be something I find extremely attractive. But, I was also embarrassed because I have no idea what it means and I am too curious to remain silent.

"What... what does that mean?" I asked curiously. Thorin didn't speak for a moment.

"Let's just way it is a rather rude thing to say and leave it at that." Thorin said, making me smirk.

"So basically you told him something like Nostach be Orch gaer Hmmm... that actually would be a fitting insult to the elf king with all the insults he was throwing at all of you." I said in amusement.

"Do I even want to know what that means, or the insults he threw around?" Thorin said in a gruff tone, both angered and amused.

"Oh, it means 'You smell like ten orcs'. It is a favorite insult of mine, though no one understands it till I explain it." I said in amusement, "Also, Thranduil was calling all of you all manner of words for smelly, clearly he thinks all of you are disgusting. Then again insults seems to be every other word for him." I said, thinking of trodding mud into that elf's robes once more for the repeated use of the insulting nickname of 'Mutant'.

Time passed for a while, silence falling except or my fingers lightly touch the back of Thorin's, my thoughts far away as I remembered the first time I learned that insult from Elrohir. Lord Elrond gave me quite the punishment for saying at one at dinner in the hall once. I had to clean chamber pots for a month.

I think Elrohir got a worse punishment, as he had to scrub the floors clean with nothing but a few rags. Lord Elrond does not accept insults, especially one like that insult, which is extremely rude.

Some time passed, it could be day or night for all I know, but the those in the cells I could see were leaning against the stone wall, asleep. The signature loud snores I have grown used to on this quest began to fill the silence. Yet, I did not miss when Thorin sighed quietly. I frowned as touch, moving my cheek against the now warm metal, doing my best to peek at where our hands our touching, the flickering light of the everlasting torches lighting enough for me too see Thorin's hand shift and curl slightly around mine, or as much as he could since we couldn't completely reach each other.

I smiled a small amount, a blush rising to my cheeks that I am yet again glad no one can see. These emotions I feel are so strong and... confusing. Like why did this small gesture make warm butterflies erupt in my chest?

"Philomena..." Thorin said slowly, his voice serious and making me tense. What happened? What did I miss? Whatever it is, he has something important to say. I tensed a touch, my fingers unconsciously gripping his tighter. He gave a light squeeze to wordlessly tell me not to worry so much.

"...Yes?" I asked worriedly, my voice on edge, wishing I could see Thorin's face to understand what triggered this sudden change of mood. I strained my shoulder against the bars, wishing I could fit my head through them, but I knew I couldn't.

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