78. Fili and Kili

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Thorin's POV

I glanced around for my two nephews in annoyance, my mood low with the idea that Ruby will not be joining us in this part of the mission. I don't know what she has planned, but something hidden in her eyes put me on edge. Yet, I knew I wouldn't be able to make her admit to what she planned to do, she is too stubborn for that. I also knew I couldn't force her to join us, she is very much a free spirit, see does not accept someone else making choices for her.

While it is the qualities I love the most about her, they also worry and annoy me. I am also worried, I know she lied to me, I am worried for her survival. I have grown incredibly close to My Ruby, I could not stand the thought of her dead. I was also quite hurt she lied to me, I could see it in her eyes that she didn't not want to lie to me, but she is set on something. I can only hope she will arrive at the mountain safe and alive after Durin's day has fallen.

I heard steps behind me and looked back to see Fili and Kili approaching.

"There you two are, come, we must hurry and get going." I said, gesturing to the boat. Fili and Kili shared a glance, one I knew well. I had to learn a lot about their expressions while helping raise them to prevent being pranked in some annoying way after a long day at the forge. I waited impatiently for them to speak, knowing time is running out to reach the mountain.

"Uncle, both Kili and I really would like to see the mountain..." Fili start, before Kili continued.

"But Philomena is up to something and we wish to help keep her safe." Kili finished. I glanced between the two, smiling as I realized how much my nephews have grown up. I know they will protect Philomena from harm, and it filled my heart with relief.

"We have a horde of orcs on our tail-"

"-and you know Philomena, she won't rest until an enemy is taken cared of-"

"-plus these people in this town seem to really dislike her-" Fili and Kili continued, supplying me plenty of reason they should watch over Philomena as I held up a hand, both of them stopping.

"I am grateful you two would stay here to protect her. Stay here, keep her from acting too rashly with that fiery temper of hers." I said, glancing between the two gratefully as they nodded. I patted them both on the shoulders with a nod before turning and getting in the boat, looking at the distant mountain.


I stared, forgetting about my worries. We will enter the mountain. The Arkenstone will be found, I will rally the seven armies of the dwarves and reclaim the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain.

Arrkensstonee.... A voice whispered on the wind.


Philomena POV

I watched the two with worry, wondering if they were telling Thorin I was walking into danger, but instead I saw Thorin nod gratefully, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and nodding to them before Thorin turned around and stepped onto the boat, Fili and Kili not following them. I frowned at that, confused as Fili and Kili turned back to me, walking back to where I stood as The Master of Laketown began his speech, which I ignored because all he is is an Idiot Master and I think my next plan will nicely teach him a lesson.

Fili and Kili came to stand beside me as I glance at the two of them before looking back at the boat as The Master of Laketown finished his speech, the awful trumpets playing that hideous tune as the boat set off. I looked over the head of the crowd, hoping for one last glance from Thorin, and frowned as I noticed his eyes focused intensely on the mountain. I glanced at the mountain and back at Thorin, my worry rising for him.

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now